Modded Toy Sonic Screwdriver


Well-Known Member
Well Since I'm working on my Tenth Doctor Costume I figured I had two options. Save the money for $400 Sonic or Mod the toy. So I went by Kylash327's Paint suggestion with the Crackle paint from Michael's. ( Link here ) I sanded the toy's crackle effect down as much as I could. ( It was the Tennant Version that came with the psychic Paper so the crackle was very deep) So I applied the two step process and painted all the Metal parts on the sonic and Came out with this.



But I wasn't happy with it. The texture of the crackle came out a bit misshaped. Some crackles were very nice while others were really tiny. So when I was talking with a friend and he suggested weathering the rest of the sonic so be a more of used and abused version of what the tenth doctor uses. I was weary at first but decided why not, If it doesn't come out well just sand it down and start over again. And I am actually very surprised with the results. I'm actually digging the sonic now. Looks very much less like the toy and an actual prop.

Sorry about the pic's they are cell pictures


the thing with that crackle paint was, i believe, the thicker the first step coat, the more cracks you would get in that area,so if it was really thin, that might explain the areas that didnt crack much. Looks good still
Love the weathering!

Heck, I love all weathering, but I still love yours!

That and the crackle paint makes a HUGE difference- I'm looking at my CO toy right now and I'm almost shocked at the coolness factor you've added to yours.
It was actually pretty simple to do, The Crackle Paint was 7 bucks and I would say I have plenty to do 10+ more sonic's. Picked up a little bottle of Acrylic black paint and then just went on it with a paper towel and then took another wet towel and wiped some of it off.