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Marscon is a fan run, family friendly convention held at the Minneapolis / St. Paul Hilton in early March. Besides the regular con programming, party rooms, dealer rooms, cosplay, gaming and art show, there is also a Red Cross Blood Drive, Comedy Music Track (think Dr. Demento), Science Room, The Saber Legion, and a prop display room we call the Propatorium. A bunch of us local prop builders and collectors bring in some of our toys and show them off. It's basically a 3 day prop party. At various times we've had astromechs, Daleks, Cybermen and K9s. We will still be having a self propelled Tardis.
I've got a bunch of pics from earlier Propatoriums posted on Flickr. I'm way behind in updating the photos, but it should give the basic idea.

MarsCon | Sci-fi, fantasy, anime, art, music, gaming convention
MarsCon is an all-inclusive family friendly sci-fi/fantasy, anime, art, cosplay, gaming, music (and more!) convention held in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) every spring.

I've got a bunch of pics from earlier Propatoriums posted on Flickr. I'm way behind in updating the photos, but it should give the basic idea.
obi10_1999’s albums | Flickr