MMPR Original MegaZord Pep Files


Sr Member
Going to be turning the 3D Model parts for the Megazord into Pepakura Files soon for everyone to be able to build and wear for conventions or display this will be the first completed Megazord Model for Pepakura. This photo is just a sample of the rendered 3D Model currently making the pep files though at the moment should be done with that by Monday. Hope to hear positive comments. The pep files that will be made when released will only be available free 30 days from the release date after the 30 days are up, the files will be removed.
The great part to this is that the model is low poly around 2,800 faces I believe. If you look at the first photo it's perfect for foam building.
Ok guys if anyone wants it I've gotten the Chest and Back file done. It's currently 78 pages. You will need to downscale it, to do that measure the width of your chest from armpit to armpit then convert the inches over to millimeters enter the number in the width in pepakura, then rearrange the pieces. I have it a little big because I'm going to be making it with stilts for my suit. If you are going to construct it from EVA Foam which I suggest you do assemble as many flat sides as you can such as the top, back and bottom to be able to cut those sections larger than small pieces at a time. Helmet will be up later tonight or tomarrow. As for the teeth design on the chest meausure and cut out triangles for it. It was not put on the 3D model so you will have to scratchbuild the teeth on. Do not repost the files without my permission on other sites, you'll be in trouble with me and the files I have for this will be pulled from the internet.
Megazord Chest and Back
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This is incredibly awesome. It makes me want to learn what pep actually is and then build one out of foam (once I learnt that too). Best costume ever!
Ya doin' a bang up job Vagabond can't wait ta see a build thread of this costume it's morphin time!!!!

laugh it up furball!!!! sent from My Touch 3G using tapatalk
Is it sad that the original Megazord is one of my favorites? I kinda says how old I am too, I think. Meh, still, I am looking forward to the rest of the files.