Mirror's Edge - Props


Sr Member

Anyone thought of doing any props from the Xbox 360/PS3 (and soon to be PC) game Mirror's Edge? I know there was a limited edition "Runner bag" released with pre-orders of the game in the US (can't get it here, sadly), but I know there's some familiar firearms in there (G36c, to name one). The bag released with the game was pretty inaccurate for a number of reasons, anyone thought of doing a custom one?

Tell me there's some other fans of Mirror's Edge out there! :lol
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Re: Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360/PS3) Props

Maybe the girl :lol

I don't have a 360 yet, but I really want to :)
Re: Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360/PS3) Props

I just want a pair of her shoes. They actually make them for the ladies, but there's just no way my big clown flippers are ever squeezing into a pair of them.
Re: Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360/PS3) Props

Maybe the girl :lol


I just want a pair of her shoes. They actually make them for the ladies, but there's just no way my big clown flippers are ever squeezing into a pair of them.

I know, I've been looking for a pair as well. I've seen some on the web that are similar (I'll settle for different colour than the ones she wears, but as long as it's not pink or something), but nothing exact.
Re: Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360/PS3) Props

I screen-capped a concept art image of the Runner bag (it's pretty much exactly as it looks in-game), if anyone's interested. Since the PC version of Mirror's Edge was released it makes it much easier to screen-cap props.


I scored one of the "pre-order" Runner bags from the US, so I'm going to attempt a conversion.
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Re: Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360/PS3) Props

The bag looks doable, what do you suppose the blue strips are for?

I would have thought a backpack would be more suited for a runner, though it does greatly increase the risk of crushing the delivery when you break-roll. I think Puma do a pair of shoes very similar, gotta have a search for it though. They come in a red ultra-suede finish I think.

Video games have the best props, in my opinion.
The bag looks doable, what do you suppose the blue strips are for?

I would have thought a backpack would be more suited for a runner, though it does greatly increase the risk of crushing the delivery when you break-roll. I think Puma do a pair of shoes very similar, gotta have a search for it though. They come in a red ultra-suede finish I think.

Video games have the best props, in my opinion.

The blue strips (what I think) are some kind of electronic lock, or maybe a tagging system, since the bags in-game look to be hardcases, not fabric (judging by the concept art). So in reality my bag is ultra inaccurate.

Here's a shot of the in-game bag:


And here's a shot of my promo bag (stock photo of the bag, mine looks exactly like it though):


There is obvious inaccuracies, since the promo bag was probably only made to look "almost" like the in-game bag. You are right though, video games do have really cool props.

Also, here's a shot of Faith's shoe (excuse the blurriness), it's hard to take a cap of it when she's running in the EA intro movie. :lol
