Millennium Falcon Computer Console 1:1


Sr Member
I'm drawing plans for the main hold computer console for the Falcon, and wondered if anyone has done this before. I've got decent dimensions from combining the DK blueprint measurements with many screen caps and set/production pics from several books, but I'm still guessing on some parts. Overall it's a fairly simple shape, but I want to get it right the first time.

Additionally, has anyone laid out the positions of all the controls/displays that are on the upright and slanted panels? I don't want to duplicate effort. If not, I'll embark on that pursuit next, after I get the final dimensions set and get fabrication underway.



this is for your 1/1 falcon, right?

Hey Clutch!

Yes, it is.
I'm working on a few smaller, interior projects while we complete the workshop out at the site. My brother is a master carpenter and builds furniture, so he's going to be helping with this and with the 3 ejection seat chairs.
This gets me to thinking.... Growing up, all the images of computers I remember were seen with oodles of blinky lights. I look at the Shuttle XPC behind my monitor, and I see only two lousy LED's. I would love to have a PC with all the switches and blinky lights that were seen in the Falcon, Jupiter II, Batman, and Time Tunnel....
I remember that Star Wars Technical Journal back in 1993 had non dementioned blueprints of the interior of the falcon. I don't know how accurate they were. They had the gunner pods and cockpit. There were three journals/magazines. I think the interior falcom blueprints were spread out in the last pages between the three journals/magazines.

There is also CG meshes on the interiors that can be found here:
I think I'm good now on the dimensions for the most part, thanks to the new DK blueprints and all the other reference I've compiled. I probably have the Technical Journal somewhere in my collection, so I'll dig it out just to see! Thanks!
Looks like they added stuff for ESB, or, more likely, rebuilt it entirely (I don't think any set pieces were saved from the first film). I wonder what that lens thing is. Maybe from an overhead projector like they (used to?) use in schools?
Good eye - I noticed several differences between ANH and ESB, including that lens thing. I'm going for the ESB version everywhere else, so most of my reference for the panels is from there.
Good to see someone doing this.

I don't think the console is a big deal, but I would be careful using dimensions in copyrighted Star Wars publications as gospel.

BTW - I'm making the NAV chair and I have finally started to work on it. I have the correct ejection seat that was used. It was quite the challenge to find.
Good to see someone doing this.

I don't think the console is a big deal, but I would be careful using dimensions in copyrighted Star Wars publications as gospel.

I'm pretty confident in the DK blueprint dimensions. I think Chris Trevas and Chris Reiff did their homework. And they use the same overall length number as Robert Brown settled on in his research. Everything else looks to be scaled sensibly.

BTW - I'm making the NAV chair and I have finally started to work on it. I have the correct ejection seat that was used. It was quite the challenge to find.

I remember back when you found the ejection seat part. I'm still waiting on those dimensions from the headrest... :)

BTW - do you still have your Elise? I sold my Esprit about a year ago.
I'm pretty confident in the DK blueprint dimensions. I think Chris Trevas and Chris Reiff did their homework. And they use the same overall length number as Robert Brown settled on in his research. Everything else looks to be scaled sensibly.

Yeah, the technical Journals I don't think were even dimensioned. Both Chris's definately do their homework. I remember seeing actual ILM carpentry blueprints offered on here a while ago.
Yeah, the technical Journals I don't think were even dimensioned. Both Chris's definately do their homework. I remember seeing actual ILM carpentry blueprints offered on here a while ago.

I talked to Steve Sansweet at DragonCon this year about my project and he mentioned that he had the full-size interior and exterior set construction plans from ESB. The scale is way too small for the exterior, but the interior plans would definitely be interesting to see.
If the two Chris's have anything to do with the dimensions, they are most likely very accurate.

10 3/8" wide by 12 7/8" tall in regards to the top of the ejection seat.

Let me know exactly the dimensions you need and I will be happy to provide them.
