I was hoping someone would ask that question!!!! You really aint gonna believe it-- I bought a Butterball turkey breast roast-- They come wrapped in this string mesh. I always take it off before I cook it cause it pulls the good stuff off the meat when its cooked!! So I washed it up, didnt know what I was going to do with it at all.
When I was working on this, I saw it lying there and pressed it into the clay -- left it there and when it was fired it burned out.
After firing, glazing and RAKU firing-- there ya go!!!
Oh yeah, those are actual pieces of meteorite in the there too!!!
Im willing to bet it would work great on a paint job as well. Lay it down over the area to be painted after you apply your base colors, spray it again and then pull it off.
Anyhow, If anyone wants one of these from your own bio-- contact me and I will make it happen.