Metal restoration/polishing advice needed


Well-Known Member
I know next to nothing about polishing and restoring metal.I have a machined metal prototype saber which,over time,has lost a little of it's sheen and become a little dull since it's creation in the production.I am very anxious not to damage the saber in any way,as it is one of my favourite pieces, but just want it to have a little of it's original gleam restored,Any help or advice on how to achieve this or what would be best to use to polish this hilt would be very much appreciated.Thanks. :)
Aluminum is easy. A trip to Wally World will do you fine.

First I'd try just the polish, but I'll just lay it out anyway. Get some of the high grit automotive sandpaper (1500 and 2000 range) and some metal polish (They should have Mothers Mag at least). Sand it well then apply the polish as the directions say.

Should look as good as new.
I cleaned up an old revolver of my Grandfather's with the buffing wheel on my Dremel. It removed 60 years of dirt and corrosion lightning fast and got it all shiney and purty. (plus minimal elbow grease from me.)
I use nail buffers on mine...that way I can add as much or as little pressure as I want...
Great for sprucing up once in a while.

If you follow all 4 steps you'll get a mirror shine.

I use them on brass, copper, alum, steel...and resin.

Be careful with sand paper unless it's a very fine grit..or you'll get scratches.

Thanks guys.Great responses and certainly enough here now for me to restore a bit of shine to what is a very special piece.I appreciate all your input. :) :thumbsup