Men in Black - Kays' soil sample tester pics?


Sr Member
Someone posted screen grabs of this a while back, any chance they could do so again, please?

It's from the scene where Jay & Kay visit Edgars house & find the saucer crash site.

The search feature doesn't like three letter words or less, so searches for "MIB" "Kay" "men in" and such don't get squat! Grrr.

Man, there are so many props & related things that use three letters too!
PKE, PPK, MIB, BFG, PKD, TOS, TNG, DS9, PPG... :confused

OT bit:
Any chance three-letter searches can be reinstated? Does anyone else miss 'em?

Aw, I can't even search for my name! :cry :lol
I have some good screen grabs I can post from my home computer tonight, if someone doesn't get to it first.

and yeah, I've found the search feature to be somewhat inadequate-IMO..:rolleyes

Thats great Zed, cheers! :thumbsup Thanks a bundle! :)

My memory isn't failing as much as I thought!
I was trying to recall the shape of it - I know it's 'base' hasn't been identified yet.

I was in a local pound shop (UK's version of the dollar store), and came across a stainless steel bar of soap, which I hadn't even heard of. :confused

Like this one:


If pics don't show, they're from here:

They're hollow, and its a brushed steel finish. Size looks to be roughly the same. A quick google brings up a couple of variations in shape & size. Should be possible to polish up to a chrome look, I think.

Wonder if something like this was used to make the 'shell' of the tester? :confused

Yeah, np:lol

Interesting though..I've never heard of a bar like that either..hmm...I'm putting together an MIB suit..slowly but if anything turns up in my own research into this, I'll post it up.

Necro post! The soil sampler is in Planet Hollywood in Orlando. I can take some pics for you if you're interested.
The interior of the scoops looks to be fiberglass with plating, so it's almost certainly custom made.