Megacon 2025 - Who's Going?


Well-Known Member
We're officially TWO months away from Megacon in Orlando, coming up Feburary 6-9, 2025!

I just finished building my Din Djarin Season 2 costume, so I can't wait to try it out at a convetnion. I also just picked up the Jazwares Vader costume so I'll definitely be bringing that with as well.

For guests, Andy Serkis is my #1 that I have to meet. But a whole lot of the cast of Doctor Who, Stranger Things, and Smallville cast is going to be there too. Also almost the whole cast of The Breakfast Club lol.

Hopefully I'll see some other RPF members there. Looking forward to it!
If I were still in Orlando, for sure....but nice they moved it back to February like it was long ago.
When it was in May, just WAY too hot.
So now, you'll either be comfortable, or even cold.
If I were still in Orlando, for sure....but nice they moved it back to February like it was long ago.
When it was in May, just WAY too hot.
So now, you'll either be comfortable, or even cold.
I know right!? This is the best time of the year for conventions. My wife and I are also planning on going to Holiday Matsuri in Orlando in a couple weeks, but it's more of an anime con. But the weather right now is perfect for suiting up in cosplay!
I know right!? This is the best time of the year for conventions. My wife and I are also planning on going to Holiday Matsuri in Orlando in a couple weeks, but it's more of an anime con. But the weather right now is perfect for suiting up in cosplay!
Back at Megacon 2014, pictured here, SO many people showed up, along with some other conventions going on, everything was a pure mess. Coming from Bithlo to the convention center could normally take around 40 mins....that year took four hours.
Parking was so bad, we had to park a mile away. My girlfriend's son was 14 and dressed up. Thought the poor kid was going to pass out....probably wasn't far off.
I'll be there with my girlfriend. She's going as Jolie's Tomb Raider. We're coming from Silver Springs FL. I haven't decided for myself yet, but I have plenty of costumes to choose from lol.