Mass Effect 2 new DLC March 29!

It was defnately a fun playthrough. I enjoyed it. I'll probably try playing through again before ME3
I go ME2 for me birthday last october and just now have gotten around to trying it out. I loved the original and I am enjoying this one quite a bit as well. Seems like it's WAY harder to get money in this one though. Selling all the extra gear etc in the first one had me wealthy beyond anything I would need fairly quick. In ME2 I have picked up nearly all my crew members now and am still having to run back to base here and there to pick up upgrades I couldnt afford earlier.
After about your 4th play through trying to get all the achievements (i still need everyone to survive the end of the game one) you have a ton of cash lol.
....I wasn't impressed with "The Arrival". I really really hated Shepard's line "So they could be at Earth in two days?"

I just wanted to smack her across the face and yell "Hey idiot, she just told you that this Alpha Relay would allow the Reapers to travel across the whole galaxy, not just to Earth. Incase you forgot, the Reapers are here to kill everyone. And why do you care about Earth anyways? You're not even Earth born!"

Also, I hope that the lack of choice this DLC presented doesn't carry over to ME3 in the same way Dragon Age II played out. When there's a button to press and a computer that tells me that pressing it will cause the deaths of over 300,000 lives, that puts me into a moral dilemma where I have to actually think about it. However, since Shepard just pressed the button on her own, the sense of dilemma was kind of pointless. I actually thought that the choice on who to contact after pressing the button would yield some story changing results, but no. No matter which choice you pick, it always gets interrupted by the bad guy.

Lair of the Shadow Broker this is not. At least in Lair, my femshep declared to Liara that we would one day get married, grow old together and have little blue children. BEST GAME RELATIONSHIP EVER!

I will give The Arrival some credit. It gave us a Joker who didn't say anything. Big improvement in my book.
I love Joker! I also was expecting this to be a LOTSB so it was a bit of a letdown. I also hate how a lot of common sense choices end up turned into Renegade choices. Like when you go after the Bloodpack and that guy is talking about how great they are and you shoot the gas tank. Or...

..Arrival mini spoiler...

When you get a interrupt to shoot the indoctrinated doctor. I shot without thinking about it because it didn't look like there was time to talk her down.
I love Joker!

Yeah, until the moment comes when he puts the Normandy above every one else which results in Shepard's death. The fact that he passes off Shepards death like it was no big deal doesn't make him enduring, it makes him an a$%hole. I just wish I could kill him during the suicide mission by not upgrading the windshields.
I want to know what happens in ME3 if you stop the Collectors in ME3 but don't survive the suicide mission as apparently that's an option i never tried. I think some of the lack of choices is showing that no matter what path you take morally Shepherd is becoming a much darker and colder person from all the fighting.
Did anyone else think that arrival was rather short? What this feels like to me is one of Hackett's missions he gives you in game. I'm thinking it was a mission they didn't get to put in the game and just finished up as a DLC.
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I want to know what happens in ME3 if you stop the Collectors in ME3 but don't survive the suicide mission as apparently that's an option i never tried.

Bioware has stated that if Shepard died during the suicide mission, that's where the story ends. There is no continuation in Mass Effect 3 where Shepard is dead. Kind of makes it all pointless, doesn't it?
Yeah. If that happened I think I'd have had new characters take over in ME 3 but if Shep survived the replacement crew would have been backup characters but that would be complicated. It would be like 2 separate versions of ME3. Wanna bet the Illusive man found a way to clone and copy Shep's brain even though he said otherwise as a backup?
Yeah, until the moment comes when he puts the Normandy above every one else which results in Shepard's death. The fact that he passes off Shepards death like it was no big deal doesn't make him enduring, it makes him an a$%hole. I just wish I could kill him during the suicide mission by not upgrading the windshields.

How does he do that? He only is at the controls until Shepard gets to him. Shepard is the one who activates the escape pod. Joker's job was to save the ship until he got orders to abandon it. If he wasn't trying to stay in orbit, it would get sucked into the planet and no one would be able to launch escape pods.
If he wasn't trying to stay in orbit, it would get sucked into the planet and no one would be able to launch escape pods.

I wouldn't have a problem if that was the reason Joker stayed behind, but unfortunately it's not. He wanted to save the ship, not the crew. Even though Joker did eventually decide to abandon the Normandy, he still refused to leave when Shepard got to him. It's because of him that Shepard died, and he doesn't even acknowledge that, nor even the fact that the reason Shepard died was to save his life.

It's a Small wonder why Bioware didn't decide to have Mass Effect 3 follow up on the "Shepard dies" ending. Joker would probably have destroyed Earth before the Reapers even got there. I wouldn't be surprised if Joker joined the Reapers if Cerberus grounded him like the Alliance did. After all, Cerberus is not the kind of group I would say "hell yeah" about joining.

If he wasn't trying to stay in orbit, it would get sucked into the planet and no one would be able to launch escape pods.

Unless the Normandy was flying directly at the planet at high speeds with the atmosphere already in the process of burning the ship to a crisp, there was no immediate danger of the Normandy crashing into the planet while the crew were still onboard. I think the ship could have gone on a few minutes without him.
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If the Normandy wasn't under power, as you see in the game, then yes gravity will pull it into the planet. Joker was obviously using maneuvering thrusters to keep station in orbit. You can see them firing in the cutscene. I seriously doubt that Joker is secretly, or overtly, evil and intended to get Shepard and anyone else around killed.
I don't think Joker's evil, he's arrogant and doesn't like people that's for sure. I mean he does show some kindness when Kaiden or Ashley die on Virmire. It might have just been bioware cutting corners writing or the animators didn't quite get things right. I know he sure did want to save the ship after everyone got out. Personally I'd think they should have shown some emotion on him when Shepard dies but I'm thinking since he's so unemotional towards people any other time he just kinda sucked it up. Maybe he's an emotional cripple lol.
I have on PS3 and first part from XBox (XBox 360 has got disc unreadable, RoD) I didn't want to play again because the console so short life...

I can't wait for in next part Mass Effects 3

This game are good with graphics, I been long wait this dialogs talk and which I must to push the correct answer, isn't easy for me.
Has anyone else had a ME 2 Shep with glowing eyes? My male version has glowing red eyes and i never remember my fem sheps having glowing eyes. Then again since i'm being evil the scars on his face seem to glow and he looks like a badly drawn roadmap.
I ended up healing Sheppards scars, but the game does say the more renagade your character is, the worse the scars get.