....I wasn't impressed with "The Arrival". I really really hated Shepard's line "So they could be at Earth in two days?"
I just wanted to smack her across the face and yell "Hey idiot, she just told you that this Alpha Relay would allow the Reapers to travel across the whole galaxy, not just to Earth. Incase you forgot, the Reapers are here to kill everyone. And why do you care about Earth anyways? You're not even Earth born!"
Also, I hope that the lack of choice this DLC presented doesn't carry over to ME3 in the same way Dragon Age II played out. When there's a button to press and a computer that tells me that pressing it will cause the deaths of over 300,000 lives, that puts me into a moral dilemma where I have to actually think about it. However, since Shepard just pressed the button on her own, the sense of dilemma was kind of pointless. I actually thought that the choice on who to contact after pressing the button would yield some story changing results, but no. No matter which choice you pick, it always gets interrupted by the bad guy.
Lair of the Shadow Broker this is not. At least in Lair, my femshep declared to Liara that we would one day get married, grow old together and have little blue children. BEST GAME RELATIONSHIP EVER!
I will give The Arrival some credit. It gave us a Joker who didn't say anything. Big improvement in my book.