Marty McFly Costume [First Costume, Need Help]


New Member
Hello, this is my first post here, and I am sorry if this is in the wrong place.

I am starting to build a Marty Mcfly costume. I have nothing so far except for the money to get me started.

Suprisingly, it is very hard to find items that match what Marty wore in the movie. Specifically, the Orange Vest.

After researching it up for a long while it seems like no one is quite sure of the make and model, and I found an old RPF thread on it, but its links and info was a bit dated.

So far I have found a few suitable vests:
Flatter Vest that has what I believe my size available.
Puffier Vest with a Size to Big (I think)

I also found this ebay listing with a very accurate vest and other goods.

I would go with the Ebay listening, but I am a Tall (6'4) dude, with broad shoulders and am not sure if a Large Vest would fit me, but all the extras make it very interesting.

The other 2 vests arn't perfect but the best I could find. The one I prefer comes in XX-Large, which might be too big. While the flatter one comes in X-Large which is where I believe my comfort zone is.

So RPF, could you help me out here. Do you think the size doesn't matter on this as much as I think it does, or do you know of a better vest with my size.

As for the rest of the costume, I have Nike ID'd some shoes that will work to be close enough to the self lacing shoes. (I am a size 13-14, so the replica ones are always too small)

I am also looking for the checkard shirt, and jean jacket. But I feel those won't be too hard to find.

Reference Photos:
Marty Close Up
Backed Up a Bit
Smaller one, farther away.
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Just as any Update, I ordered a vest off ebay which is nearly perfect except for the Pockets.

And I have the shirt, some suspenders and the PERFECT color red undershirt. Pics will be coming soon.

I am doing this on a very tight budget, so I can't afford the actual jean jacket, I am going to have to find one that is "close enough".
Where'd you get the shirt man? I saw that there is an American Apparel shirt that looked perfect on the site, anyway.
If you want the eastpak backpack I found one on ebay, its almost the same except an updated logo. Here is the item number 200661257474
a bit pricey, its from hong kong so not sure if authentic even though it says it is.