Manually Fading material


Active Member
I'd like to know how to physically give a camoflague uniform the "sun faded" look without physically having to wash and sit it out in the sun for days on end to get the look I'm after. Its for a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. costume idea I have in mind
diluted bleach dip? if the camo fabric is cotton based that may work. it would require some trial and error for the percentage and soak time first, using scraps. I've done that before, testing scraps in a small tupperware container and noting the bleach to water ratio.

if you're doing STALKER you may want to also think about weathering or distressing some areas too, to show wear.
what uniform are you using in particular? As in pattern, country of origin etc? I have some experience weathering british an US uniforms. The bleach dip is one method but depending on what you want you can probs just buy the right camo pattern faded from a military surplus store.