Man has multiple operations to look more like Superman

He should have went for Bat Manuel.
I read about a British truck driver who got surgeries to look like Robert Redford, and then he did. He did it because he thought he would get work as an actor. He said he would only charge half of what Redford did.
Obviously he was missing the big picture.
so who's going to break the news to him that the surgeons have been using photos of Brandon Routh as reference?
Just FYI, there's another thread about this subject, which was started on October 6th. It's not as noticeable, because it doesn't mention Superman in the thread title.

Original thread can be found HERE.
That was actually a pretty interesting report. I knew that the idea of making themselves look more Western was a big deal in Asia, but I had no idea they'd start with that so young... Just very sad to me.