Maliwan Comet Beam. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)


Well-Known Member
Thought i should start my own thread instead of putting my stuff in the giant thread.

So i am going to make the body and stock of the railgun. then i will be able to do the two different front parts to make the railgun and the comet beam. if i am still not to borderlands out, i have a good base to make Moxxi's vibra pulse.

here's the three guns i am talking about.

And the blueprints i have mocked up so far.





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Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

Nice start to the project; I like where this is going. are you using MDF to build the gun?
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

yeah MDF and bondo for the main parts. ill most likely use odds and ends for the barrel portions.
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

ok so a lot more sanding some bondo and epoxy putty and i am here. i tried to route out the stock arms and it went crazy and tore em up. so much for doing it in one go. gonna have to bondo it and fix it up, oh well.




Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

Who gave you a router! Haha. I'm only kidding. You might find it easier next time to rout your pieces before you cut them from the main sheet of MDF. That way you can tac some STRAIGHT strips down to your sheet to use as guide rails, clamp the sheet to a table and avoid the 'eroded' look you've got there.
Freehand routing is not an easy task.
You might like to try moving down in increments also. Don't try to take out the full depth at once. Do it in 2 or 3 passes and you should get a better result.
Oh, and make sure you're routing in the right direction. It only works one way. Look for the arrow.

PS. Id give it another go and save yourself the headache of trying to fix it up. You'll never be happy with it otherwise.

Keep it up man, I can't wait to see one of these finished and painted. (and hopefully with some leds in it, hint hint).
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

ha, well the router is the dremmel version. so not the best tool for the job, but the only one i have. didn't know that it was only supposed to go one way. i will have to watch that next time. thanks for the kudos. i really want to light up the whole thing, but electronics is not my strong suit. that being said, with the amount of lights in this gun i think i could use one of those battery powered christmas light strings for this. i have one i think would work pretty good.
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

With a motor that small you'll definitely have to do a few passes to get a better result.
That's not a bad idea using the battery powered leds. Looking forward to it.
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

This is awesome. I am really looking forward to seeing this completed!
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

Small handheld routers are good for this if you don't want an unwieldy large router. They run about 50-100 and are really easy to control. Plop a plexiglass base on it and you have a stable transparent platform.
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

Super work! Keep at it and we will watch with bated breath.
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

ok So i filled up the damage and this time just took the dremmel to it by hand without the router attachment. taking a hell of a lot longer but at least i can control it better.

Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

Xdmray, love it, glad to see you still building the cool stuff
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

BEAUTIFUL! I'm glad someone's up to this I ripped the game models recently and I've been checking them out. Looks super interesting so far, keep up the great work.

Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

I like that you planned the scale of this gun the same way I did - by scaling the printout to your hand!

Looking good :)
Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

Thanks for the kudos everyone. I haven't had much time to work on stuff with the holidays and what not, but here's a small update. just some sanding and a primer coat to see flaws easier.

two pieces are close to being done though.



Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

This is looking really good!
I'm planning on making a Maliwan Ruby for myself.

Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

ok, so the stock arms are looking a little better off than last time you saw em.


Re: Maliwan Photon Railgun. PEW PEW PEW! WIP (Borderlands Pre-sequel)

here's a mock up of the what ever they are..... round parts on the stock.
