MaKlike model resurrected


Master Member
Five years.... that sounds about right for this reactivating this one, lol!

In a titanic effort to FINISH things before starting even MORE new things, I am going to finish this fella. Here's how it looks as of the last time I touched it, FIVE YEARS ago.

I lugged this to Japan in 2006 or 2008, and showed Yokoyama-san. He suggested I reverse the "face" to point the turret tines forward, for a more interesting look. Sure thing, boss man!





Very cool. Not as cool as your BR blimp, but cool nonetheless. Of course it would be tough to top the blimp.

Looking forward to seeing it all painted up and dirtied down. :thumbsup
Just when I've got my head filled with kits and info for what will probably be enough projects for the rest of my life, you go and bring MaK to my attention.

This moffeaton guy is a real butthead.

On the shelf for five years... now thats my kind of project. Lol. Bring it on dude.
"You know what would make it perfect? If it had a bunch of REALLY BIG GUNS all over it!" :lol
I swear, the single number one thing Ma.K guys hear and have ta grit their teeth over. :lol

Sensor pack looks mean. This is gonna have antenna goodness, yeah?

Since I finally get how to do compound curves in Rhino now I've begun playing with the idea of growing a 1/20 Falke II. It's not actually as much fun as doing it old-school with lofts and buckets of putty, but it's really precise. Now you're gonna tell me there's a kit on the horizon, right? :lol
Awww yeah. MODEST guns! Fiddly antennae! THAT's the Ma.K aesthetic!

Good to hear re the F-II. I have a set of vector drawings, I'll port those to Rhino and kick off.
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