Making custom display box, need acrylic cut?

Kevin Gossett

Master Member
I am in the process of putting together an Obi Wan ANH saber and want to build a display box for it. I have the acrylic box ready to go, but I need a couple "risers" for the saber to rest on. I have one of the MR .45 sabers that has a little display stand with it, using two acrylic pieces for the saber, so I just need something along those lines, scaled up.

Anybody have any ideas? Recommendations for an acrylic laser cutting service that will do such small job?

Anybody have any ideas? Recommendations for an acrylic laser cutting service that will do such small job?

I recently had a bunch of pieces cut at Ponoko - pretty good turnaround, any job size, and inexpensive. The edges from the laser cut aren't perfectly smooth so you may have to go back and polish those out if you want it to look like your MR stand
I can do it.

More about what Volpin said. Laser cuts are glass clear, but not glass smooth. Normally good enough for most applications.