Making Batman 89 gloves


Well-Known Member
Hey every one, was just wondering if and how you guys would go about applying the 89 glove addons makers are selling(fore arm guard and fins) to make a close to screen accurate affordable glove. I've came across the gloves which are rhe olympia 103 motor cycle gloves but am wondering how to go about the fore arm portion .I've seen the bout idea but that's not ideal with out the boots. Thanks
Ive got a set of 103's on the way right now and i ordered my fins and armour plate from Hero Wares on friday.

All im going to do is go to a fabric store and get some black faux leather to make the gauntlet then attach that to the glove after putting the fins and armour on and it should look pretty good
Ive got a set of 103's on the way right now and i ordered my fins and armour plate from Hero Wares on friday.

All im going to do is go to a fabric store and get some black faux leather to make the gauntlet then attach that to the glove after putting the fins and armour on and it should look pretty good
What well you do to the gloves, and how well you make rhe gauntlets.
my gloves turned up today.

I just need to go and get some black leather from the fabric shop to make the gauntlets. im thinking i will make them with a full velcro strip so i can put the glove on, and then attach the gauntlet separatley. the armour pieces and fins will be bonded to the leather with the leather/fabric glue
Ive got a set of 103's on the way right now and i ordered my fins and armour plate from Hero Wares on friday.

All im going to do is go to a fabric store and get some black faux leather to make the gauntlet then attach that to the glove after putting the fins and armour on and it should look pretty good

have you got anywhere with the glove armour from hero wares yet?
Thats weird you kicked this thread back up today mate, I got my glove armour a couple of weeks ago, and i got my black leather today to make the gauntlet, which i started on this afternoon when i finished work. just loosly offering stuff up.

I think i will get the seams stiched so they look decent and im thinking of adding velcro the full length of the gauntlet so i can put it on separately from the glove.

2015-03-09 13.51.30.jpg2015-03-09 14.13.33.jpg
I bought the Xelem​ent Mens Gaun​tlet Leat​her Glov​es with Rain Cove​r and Long Cuff from for $16.99 had to tear out the inner lining to fit them under my band gantlets, but they look pretty sweet.


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