Made Some Coins, And Now I've Made Some More...

Would you mind if I shared the images of the Zocolo coin on a few Babylon FB pages? Maybe throw in a link to your Etsy page?

No, you're more than welcome to. My Etsy page is rather thin at the moment, but I'll make some more coins, and put them up there in the next few days.
No, you're more than welcome to. My Etsy page is rather thin at the moment, but I'll make some more coins, and put them up there in the next few days.

I'll just say that you are in the process of making more of them. Be prepared to ship them to Europe, lots of fans over there.
In your first post in this thread you stated "The technique is very different from standard sheet metal etching." I was just curious what the differences are.

Ok, now I understand.

In sheet metal etching, you're dealing with a flat thing. When you move into coin blanks, the blanks went through a process that turns the outer edges up and gives them a rim. The rim is the root of all evil in coin etching. I don't say that lightly. That rim reduces the useable area of whatever design you put on the coin. If the resist isn't put on the coin correctly (aka ramming it into the edge of the rim) it's likely you'll get an air bubble and have to wash off the resist and start over. The rim also prevents the normal stencil process from working. It's still the same thing, just done differently.

The type of laminator that is used also has to be able to deal with the thickness of the coin. a 2mm coin is more difficult to push through than a 0.2mm sheet. The thickness of the coin also means that the outside edge of the coin needs to be managed to make sure that the resist is properly washed off the edge. When it isn't, it shows in the form of bumps that appear after etching.

Exposure time (of the resist) is also different when making coins. I can't explain it, but it is.

So those are the things off the top of my head that are different. So maybe it wasn't completely correct to say that it's "very different", it's just that things have to be done a bit differently to achieve the same goal.
Being a fan of Mr. Robot, I decided to make a Fun Society arcade game token. There's a little flub on the Mr. Robot side, but overall I'm happy with how it turned out.


First off, great work with these. Pleasantly surprised to see a Mr. Robot coin. Secondly, how much would you generally be asking for these? I checked on your Etsy, but it did not pull prices for past listings, and there is currently none active. Would be very interested in the Tron Flynn's Arcade coin. Finally, do you think you would be able to replicate the other Tron coins that were done for the individual games?


Would love love love to have all of the above if you're able. More detailed pics of the game coins:

Sorry for the long response time. I had a death in the family, and haven't been here much since then. To answer some questions...

How would we go about getting a mr.robot coin?

I will be making listings on Ebay and Etsy on Wednesday or Thursday for most of the coins that are on this thread.

First off, great work with these. Pleasantly surprised to see a Mr. Robot coin.

Thank you.

Secondly, how much would you generally be asking for these?

All coins are $15 each and that includes shipping inside the US. International shipping is extra.

... and there is currently none active.

I pulled everything that was for sale down once the death happened. I didn't have it in me to deal with much of anything. At the time less was more. I'll be taking pictures and posting again Wednesday or Thursday.

Finally, do you think you would be able to replicate the other Tron coins that were done for the individual games?

After having a look at them, I'd like to! There are some boring technical things that get in the way of making them exactly as shown. The lip of the rim is the biggest obstacle. Because I don't use stamps to press them, I am hindered by the lip. It means that I'm not able to make any design that will go all the way to the lip - there would always be a gap. If I were to find some thick enough bar stock, use a lathe to cut blanks so there would be no lip, then I would be more likely able to make them as shown. I'll do some hunting and see what I can come up with. No promises, but Ill see what I can do.
Sorry for the long response time. I had a death in the family, and haven't been here much since then. To answer some questions...

Sorry to hear about your loss. Please take your time to get back into things if you need it. You need to take care of your personal life first and foremost. We'll be here whenever you're ready to be back at it, whether it be in a week, or more. Appreciate all the answers. :)
Very sorry to hear of your loss.

You've done some awesome work here.

Any chance you could make an Assassin Coin from AC: Liberation:


I can try to work out a vector graphic if that helps.

Edit: Here's the pattern I sketched from the photo:

View attachment AC Coin-Model.jpg

Edit #2: I just made a 3D model of the coin as well, but it's pricing higher than your rate, are the coins you make all 2 sided?

Render 1.png
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