M*A*S*H* Props


Sr Member

I've been on M*A*S*H* kick lately (I've got all the episodes), I was just wondering if there are any props from the series out there. I've done web searches, and all I seem to come up with are the same promo photos all the time.

What I'm most interested in getting right now is a copy of the military scrip (money) that they used on screen. Plus, any shots of the sets and camp layout. Of course, I'm on the lookout for any paper props, whether original or fan created.

If anyone has anything, let me know:cool
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I too would like to see some M*A*S*H props. I have always wanted a replica of Radar’s teddy bear myself. The only thing close to a prop I have from the series is an old 50’s era NeHi bottle next to my DVDs. The scalpel on my workbench doesn’t count does it?
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Watching this thread with interest :)
( Although even when I do go back to watch 'em all again, I think I'll stop with the penultimate episode. I'd never actually seen the finalé until I got the final season DVD set and man, it's tough going! :| )
I would love to have some M*A*S*H props. I always thought replicating the sign would be a cool thing to do...anyone ever notice it has the same cities listed in different places with different mileage?
The Smithsonian had a huge M*A*S*H* display a buncha years back and still maintains some of the stuff from the show including the martini glasses. I have the same ones (pure accident) and can tell you they're very common. I see them often in thrift stores for cheap. Can post pix much later. I don't tknow if they consistently used the same ones on the show.

The museum also had the sign, which I do have a pic of.
Profiles in History auctioned many costumes, scripts, & props including Radar's teddy & a sign that was used on the indoor sets. They ALL went for ALOT $$$$ a piece.
The only thing I have is a hat like Radar wore. My wife wants me to make the various wooden signs from around the camp :lol
I have a screen used mess tray. I always thought that was cool. I've never really figured out a proper way to display it though.

-- Tim
They released a M*A*S*H Vodka in an IV bottle and stand a while back.
I have one, and while not really a prop, it's still pretty cool.
You can buy a lot of the uniform stuff from a surplus store still. I have a lot of the same stuff they had on there from when I was in high school all boxed up at my moms place.
If I remember right several people on here did the sign as a group project some year ago. So maybe one of them will pop in.
The place where they filmed the show is now in a State Park (out by Malibu).
There was an article in the newspaper the other day, and apparently now they're mapping out the areas where the set pieces were with rope and stuff, and putting markers.

The cool thing is that they got a replica sign made, and on the weekends (or whenever there is a ranger there on duty) they put the sign up where its supposed to be.

Theres apparently some grand opening of the place or something in a little while, but if you're a fan, and are out this way, something you may want to check out.
Wasn't there still a wrecked jeep or some other vehicle at the outdoor filming camp... seem to remember reading that.

I think it was called the American History museum or something similar. The one with the Star Spangled Banner flag, Indy's hat/Jacket, the Ruby Slippers, Babe Ruth's bat, that kind of stuff. I was in DC last June and it was being refurbished so some of the stuff (including the MASH sign and R2/3PO) had been relocated to the Air & Space Museum. The refurbishing might be complete by now. I really don't know.
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