lukes severed head, footage from the archive

Cool. I don't remember some of the footage of him walking through the swamp.

One thing though is that in that scene, it is the fake head inside the helmet as it is rolling on the floor all the way up when it explodes. Then after the explosion when they show Luke's face revealed, it is actually Mark Hamill himself. I don't think they realized that in the video.

Never watched that scene as closely before this video. In the scene in the movie can you make out his slight eye movement and breathing as well?
Thanks Gino, yeah they are definately chucking it around, not the best prop in the world, but still a bit of star wars history
So they made a full, very detailed prop head of MH only to hide it in a helmet where nobody will see it? What a waste. :unsure
And as mentioned above, all Star Wars props from the archives need to be treated with more respect that thes mouth-breathers are giving it.