Luke Skywalker's Graflex w/ Modified Gabywan Crystal Chamber Chassis, ESB Edition


Sr Member
Hello all! Instead of a boring 'Hello my name is Ronan' thread, i figured i post something i did this summer as a first post.

Note: This saber is no longer in my hand, it decorates the desk of a brave firefighter in the US :)

PART I -Delayed Arrival-

After many rising and setting of the sun, my Graflex 3 Cell has arrived. A faithful clone provided by Master Tim 'Strydur'. Where it lacked in vintageniousity (yes i made up a word), it made up in potential.

The primary source of delay came from a faulty hypderdrive engine, causing the intergalactic postal-ship delays. The secondary source of delay, came from scrupulous and greedy Toydarian custom officers with held onto the cargo for two weeks.

With the precious cargo finally in my hand, i decided to snap some photos before and after dis-assembly:





Whats inside a Graflex 3 cell? Here are some of the parts:

PART II -Crystal Chamber Chassis-

Parts have arrived fresh from the workshop of Master Gabywan. His famous Crystal Chamber Chassis, as a custom ordered DIY kit, ready for my personal modifications (length, placement, brass/copper parts, lighting, finish, etc).

Picture provided courtesy of Gabywan:


:( Laptop Died (and took backup HDD with it) With All Photos ... :(

Big bummer... I'm still frustrated about it, months after :cry

PART IV -Luke Skywalker's Graflex w/ Modified Gabywan Crystal Chamber Chassis, ESB Edition-




Thank's for watching!
Hi there,

Excellent first post Ronan87. Nice job well done. Does this configuration also come with a soundboard-system made by Master Gabywan as well?

Hi there,

Excellent first post Ronan87. Nice job well done. Does this configuration also come with a soundboard-system made by Master Gabywan as well?


I installed all electronics including main led, crystal chamber LED, soundboard, etc etc. They are hidden in the top part of the chassis. Bottom part contains speaker and battery. Among other mods to suit my purpose and the look i wanted ;)

His chamber is basic and has enough room for you to do what you want. I used a Master Replica soundboard, with the correct font. You can also use the famous Crystal Focus soundboard if you can get your hands on one.
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How much did this build set you back (excluding electronics)? Really want to do my own CC ANH Skywalker!!

Just in material, around $450-500. Electronics around $150, although i made a second one that had around $350 in electronics.

Picking one up from me will set you back around $600-$800 depending of what you want. Theirs a guy named Yoda on a saber shop that makes AMAZING one's (he goes a couple big steps further than me) and they will set you back $1500-$2000.

The biggest issue is some of the crucial parts that let you mate the Graflex to almost any chassis that uses electronics are nowhere to be found now a day. So they need to be machined. If only i had access to a lathe/mill i would resupply the Star Wars prop shelves for everyone to enjoy w/o having to pay big $ and wait months... sight.

Thank you for all the good comments :) I'm currently working on my personal saber (have been for months) and i'm hopping to have her done after the holidays. Complete with chassis and crystal chamber of course. Now if only my machinist didn't close shop...
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Any chance you stil offer a complete Saber with
The crystal chamber + sound and led/blade system.

Also I am unable to contact Yoda from FX-Sabers.
I would also want to get pricing from him too,
Any one know how I can contact hem if he has a profile
