Luke ESB lightsaber parts.

Hey I bought a graflex and I'm looking for places to get AS accurate as possible peices to assemble it. Im looking for a circuit board (HP-44 Bus Type Computer Card Edge Connector to be accurate). And an extra red button, with the proper screws ( I'm pretty sure there phillips painted black anyone verify?). And a kobald d ring, I could get one on ebay but if anyone can give me a deal hey I aint complaining! :p. I pm'd GINO about grips also since they seem to be the most accurate I can find.

P.S I havent been here for a while sorry if I posted this in the wrong place :s!
Most of the Graflex conversions I see here use Blast-Tech parts, including mine. They look good enough for me.
AFAIK Blast-tech is the only game in town for replica pieces these days. His circuit board is dead-on to the original (I have an original bus board) and the Kobold piece is close (I don't have an original but would like to--in the mean time I've got a Blast-tech piece on mine). The only way to get any better at the moment is to find an original or a Parks Kobold.

I'm afraid I don't have any extra Graflex red buttons. You might try a WTB thread in the junkyard and see if someone can hook you up :) .

Good luck!

people here order from him all the time - unless he's gone out of business in the past week, you're safe.
Yep, bought from Blast-Tech just before x-mas, quality service and product, shipped to the UK quickly. Just drop him a mail.
