Lucas Fans, rejoice! All you wanted to know


Sr Member
Finally, there is a way to keep up with not just Willow and Madmartigan, but all LUCASFILM activity. You heard right! ALL! Star Wars, Indiana Jones, ILM. Just think, 4 (Four) times a year you will get the most current info. Photos in color, interviews and exclusive info. Oh, did I mention there is a Willow patch and membership card? Here is the best part; only $8.00 and 8 weeks for delivery.
There is no faster or cheaper way to get this kind of information, nor will there ever be.
(You foreigners need to pay extra and wait longer)

WOW... i just saw see this NEW willow movie at the cinema. I wonder if Mr lucas will make new movie that tells the story on how Darth vader became evil.. I bet he will make it super cool with effects and droids and lightsaber and not a story about a whiny kid and some sort of stupid fumbling creature for comical joy.
Will this have the latest info on any "Howard the Duck" sequels?

Step 1. Dust off wallet
Step 2. Pay the $8
Step 3. Wait 6-8 weeks
Step 4. Don't talk about Fight Club, wait, is that #1? :)