Looking for Col. Tigh's Liquor bottle


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for the liquor bottle that Col. Tigh is always drinking from, i believe it's a hexagonal bottle. Anyone know if this is from a regular commercial drink, or if it's a "designer" bottle from a home store such as Cost Plus, or Pier 1...? Sorry, i don't have screen caps to show, perhaps someone here can?
The bottle is Brilliant Vodka, from Scotland.


I believe that Gordon (spcglider) did a replica. It was posted a year or so ago on ASAP.
Here's the design used in the mini series:


Here's the one used late in season 1 and beyond:


Here's the one that Gordon did for me. As far as I know it's the only one he made:

ASAP has the artwork for the mini series version and you should be able to modify that one for the later seasons.
Found the bottle last night at one of those mega liquor stores, only $20.00...not bad.

Now all I need to to is make up the templates and get the glass etching kit.

Oh and drink the contents and fill it with the correct color liquid.
Bring it this weekend Chris. I'm sure we can take care of that thing. ;)

I'm talkin 'bout the Vodka.
I really liked the bottle on the show and always wondered if it was an actual product. Just have to find it now and find a good template for the etching.