Looking for a "wing"-tutorial for dummies [UPDATED: Wings done!]


Sr Member
[Wings done. See post #16 for pics]

I need to make a huge wing for a costume, but I have no confidence I can pull it off, and feathers are not exactly cheap so mistakes need to be kept to a minimum.

I've found a few tutorials online, but nothing with enough information to convince me they're workable.

The best set of wings I've found so far that is 90% close to what I want to achieve is the Avariel (The Avariel Site). She has a tutorial on Youtube but its too brief and the resolution is too low to see any details, or any description on the process or materials used.

If anyone have found some better reference, or have made their own wings and have a tutorial somewhere, I'd really appreciate it if you could share them with me.

Note: Please don't point me towards Dragonwings, because I can't afford their wings for this costume. :(
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Re: Looking For A Wing Tutorial For Dummies

I can't remember the boardmembers name, but she mentioned making large wings out of the pink/blue insulation foam...the type that comes in large sheets.

No feathers required. :)
Re: Looking For A Wing Tutorial For Dummies

Do you want them to be able to move (flap, fold, etc.)?
Re: Looking For A Wing Tutorial For Dummies

Do you want them to be able to move (flap, fold, etc.)?
Just be able to swivel to the open and close positions would be helpful for a variety of different looks, and also for ease of storage/transport...

I have seen this, but the wing looks too mechanical, plus I need to subscribe to the site to see everything...

Thanks, that is very useful, but again, too mechanical. I like how the Avariel one is very simple (two PVC pipes and two points of swivel) and very organic in look. I just wish she'd share more in-depth details on how it's made...
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Re: Looking For A Wing Tutorial For Dummies

Aw man, looking at all the capitals at the beginning of words in that thread post had me almost move this thread to the Studio Scale modelling forum :lol:lol

Sorry, can´t help you with that tut, but you might want to look for costumers who do anime costumes or an X-Men Arkangel costume. I think I´ve seen a tut on that not too long ago, angel wings or something. And even a thread here on the board.
Re: Looking for a "wing"-tutorial for dummies

Oh snap. I love that Avariel site, thanks so much for sharing!

I wish I knew more tutorials to share, I guess the only advice I could have is to study bird anatomy and feather patterns and hot glue accordingly. Still blown away by Avariel there, brb browsin'!

Those dragonwings or whatever are terrible. Like. Yeah wings don't look like that, pretend that website doesn't exist.
Re: Looking for a "wing"-tutorial for dummies

wings are tough. Just so u know, real feathers are very difficult to store. They rot quickly and are expensive. I have seen sculpted foam wings that look really good, but really depends on the look u want. Ariels are the best out there really. They are one of the few that actually have a decent scale to them. Most large wings use small feathers that don't look "right" . Good luck!
Re: Looking for a "wing"-tutorial for dummies

I've been trying to find a good wing tutorial also because I wanted to do a Darkness/Angelus costume with my husband. Other than taking some of the ideas from Avariel and the other sites you've found and making them custom to what you want to do I would suggest email this girl :http://yayahan.com/. If you go to her store section she sells some pretty awesome wings but she is also good about answering questions so she might be able to point you in the right direction...
I've also found that if you can use foamies (unless you specifically need real feathers) they hold up better, last longer and are easily manipulated to make shapes you couldn't get with real feathers.
Can i ask what costume it's for?
Good luck!!
Re: Looking for a "wing"-tutorial for dummies

Thanks for all the input guys and gals. I think I have something workable going, but more info never hurts so do keep it coming if you have anything new to share.

@TrooperDudeFace: yes it has to be real feather. I'm in fact trying to replicate the Avariel wing, but bigger. I'm afraid I can't reveal the costume at this point, but I will once its ready to be put in the public domain.

Rachel (the lady who made the Avariel wing) has very gracefully shared some further info with me via email, and I'm trying to see how her methods can suit my build (most of the materials she used are not available to me.
Re: Looking for a "wing"-tutorial for dummies

Its been a long and hard road, and an extremely steep learning curve, but with Rachel's unselfish sharing of how she made her wings, I managed to make one similar, though not exactly like her Avariel wing, mainly because I do not have access to most of the material she has.

Here's how I did mine:


Everything is scratch built by me (well I had help with the welding part :)), with the only purchased item being the soft part for the harness, which was cannibalized from a cheapo kid's backpack :lol. Even that was extensively modded to make it heavy duty, with an enhanced strapping system.

I'm almost done covering it with feathers, and will show the finished product after I've revealed the costume at two events in December.