-Laser engraved stainless steel key
-Laser engraved aluminum key
-Pewter key
-"Real feel" nickel/resin key
-Gray resin key
-Various other aluminum keys, cast/engraved/etched
-green plexiglass key
-green resin key
-emerald green plexiglass key
-Ship model
-Green Lana necklace
-Clear Lana necklace
-Jor El pendant
-Save the Cave button
-Stack of Lionel Business cards
-Chloe's Torch pass
-Lex's desktop key holder
-Lex's lead dragon box
-Kryptonite bullet
-Kryptonite rock (from Run episode)
-Smallville postcard
-Dr. Swann Invite
-Map to the air stone
-Lana's drawing of the Kryptonians leaving their spaceship
-Red K class ring
-8x10 autographed by cast (framed and matted with a key below the picture)
-Bridget Crosby's driver's license
-Various high school id's (from ebay)
-Ship's heart
-Large Plexi key with Smallville across it
-Family tree
-Cave layout drawing
-Kent lead box (pending)
-Stones (once full set is available from Rob)
Superman in general:
-First movie crystal (both FXhound version and ebay version)
-Resin cast of screen used Superman 4 crystal
-Certified 9.6 reprint of Action Comics #1, Autographed by Jerry Siegel
-Dean Cain autographed Superman 8x10
-Superman cape swatches (George Reeves, Kirk Allen, Christopher Reeve, John Haymes Newton)
-Complete sets of topps movie cards
-Chromart, Action comics #1
-Superman Returns Kryptonite prop replica (coming in June.)
That's all I can remember off the top of my head.