Lightsaber Parts (Novice help required)

Darth Punk

New Member
Hi people :)

I'm new around here although i've been lurking for many months (there is some real talent on here by the way)

So for my first prop i'm looking at constructing a lightsaber. Something i've always wanted to do but never got around to.

I've been all over the net looking at Graflex tubes but as it's my first prop I don't want to spend $300 just yet on something that may go bad very quickly. but I do want to get as close as I can with at least making it look authentic.

So cananyone point me in the right direction when looking at collecting parts?

Thank you.......and apologies in advance for the "newbie" sound of my first post :lol
I'm far from an expert, but I got lucky on mine. I got mine from a pawn shop for $10 back in '03 oor '04. People have gotten lucky that way at camera shows, flea markets, and even ebay. From what i've read, the trick at camera shows is to avoid any and all references to star wars and study up on the cameras.

Outside of that, you have Parks, with the horrid reputation for an actual repro. Not sure of the price, his rep here is crap. If you really wanna 'build' it, there are templates out there to cut a chrome sink tube.

I found this with a quick search: Ant's Graflex Replica - Template

I remember saving down an image similar to this a long time ago, just can't find it right now.
Hello there,

Next to a GRAFLEX 3 Cell with correct red button (between $10 and $300) :




you need a D-ring and rivet :


a Texas Instruments Exactra 19 or 20 for the bubbles strip (or Rebelscums Pro-Replica) :



and 7 plastic grips from GINO (or the lesser rubber variations from e-Bay) see for pictures here :


Hi Thibault,

Those graflex sabers are replica's made by Parks and although maybe nice not very accurate or authentic!

I know for the Obi-wan...
But for the MPP and the Graflex... I find them very accurate.
What are the differences ?

Here is my parks :

Hi Thibault,

Well you did ask, so here are the differences between yours and a real G R A F L E X ANH lightsaber :

Your Park's graflex has a screw to hold the bunny ears not a bolt/rivet.
There's an additional part between the bunny ears lightbulbholder???
The rectangle gap on the left side should have a switch covering that gap.
The red button is less sharp on the outer edges of the knurling.
There's a bolt in stead of a countersunk headed screw next to the glass eye.
Your bubblestrip contains 8 bubbles in stead of just 7.
The sidebars are not neatly covered under the clampholders.
There's a metal strip covering the GRAFLEX text. Not needed for ANH!
Your D-ring has 2 screws, the incorrect strap and the D should be near the center of the bottom.
Probably has rubber T-track in stead of plastic.

Nevertheless if you like it and do not mind screen- or production accuracy by all means enjoy your
Park's lightsaber :D

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Hi !

I was just asking !
I do not know those details and I never had the chance to find a real one !
That is why I was asking !

But, as you said... for $150... it's the best you can find !

Thanks for the infos BTW !!!
Your very welcome Thibault,

It took me quite some time to get to know all the little differences in details between a real and replica graflex.
Even bought a replica ESB lightsaber once thinking it was genuine. Never made that mistake again.
I've collected several real graflex flashguns over the years. My first flashgun came with a Crown Graphic 4x5 " Camera :lol

If you see a flashgun for sale on ebay but hesitate to purchase and want to be certain if it's real or replica, send me a PM to assist you, okay :)


PS Nice Dooku lightsaber you have there!