Lightsaber from KOTOR "The Old Republic" cinematic

If any of you have seen the Old Republic cinematic released a few months ago, than this saber should be pretty familiar. Its the one used by the main jedi when he battles the sith lord.

Heres a link to the video

It has a seoul p4 green led, an SS 1.0 soundboard, running at 6v, with a resistor for the led.

Anywho, here are some pics, they are clicky.

As soon as I saw the close-up where the saber falls and bounces in the trailer, I said to myself, "I wonder how long it will take for someone to make this?". Good job!
Awesome, as usual! Hey, do you have any more of those Leia Sabers for sale? I lost the thread over at FX. PM me with details.
Awesome! I´ve been waiting for someone to make this...and yours is spot-on. I love that cinematic. it holds alone one of, if not THE best Jedi vs. Sith battle-sequences in star wars history...IMO anyway.