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I've found it's actually difficult to quickly locate famous lighter models and/or designs used in movies, especially 1930s and 1940s classics so I thought I'd start this thread where people could identify lighters as they notice them in various classic movies (obviously the more classic the movie, the more desirable the lighter might be to someone looking to collect them for movie purpose). Some are more well known than others.
For example, there's the Ronson Touch Tip lighter with white tortoise watch/clock used in the 1941 version of The Maltese Falcon:
There's also the Gutman lighter in the Maltese Falcon (also used in Bullets or Ballots by Bogart) which is a 1929 Ronson New Yorker Baronet lighter set:
I just located a replica of the Ronson Twentycase lighter found in Bullets or Ballots (1936):
Then there's the IMCO Super 4700 Lighter Marion used in Raiders of the Lost Ark and Elsa's Lucky Lighter (Zippo with cloverleaf pattern graphic) used in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:
(Edited for clarity/accuracy and to differentiate the novels from the movies)
James Bond apparently used a Ronson (plain gunmetal no art) in the original Ian Fleming novels, mentioned over the course of several of them (e.g. discussed here: The James Bond lighter) and at least one site speculates it could be a Whirlwind as in the attached graphic below) (he was apparently given a Zippo to use in the US by the CIA to appear less conspicuous in the Live and Let Die book; the movie doesn't show the lighter where you can see it from what I can recall). The movies typically show him using Dunhill lighters (e.g. a silver Dunhill Broadboy MKII in Dr. No and a gold version in Goldfinger and what looks like a Dunhill "Unique" lift arm wick lighter in From Russia with Love and he's given a wedding gift of a newer Dunhill Unique in License to Kill with the inscription, "To James from Della and Felix" (Felix Leiter giving a "lighter" as a gift is kind of funny) and in Tomorrow Never Dies he has a gold Dunhill arm lighter (apparently a Dunhill QL 1402 in one shot and a much newer sports turbo (gas lighter with blue flame) in another that looks the same at a glance). (You can see the examples on that site; I don't currently have my own Unique or Broadboys to display so I'll leave them to that site to display).
The Ronson Whirlwind is a model started in 1941 with a wind cover that pops up in the front; see left graphic as shown on the quoted web site and one I own on the right with a slightly different pattern and then edited later with a newer one below that closely matches the one from the web site (e.g. see the wind cover on my Whirlwind after it. Same model, different face/graphic pattern):
Edit: Much closer match I obtained more recently:
I'm curious if the Ronson Whirlwind was used in more 1940s and later Hollywood movies, for example. I'll be keeping an eye out for it and others as I rewatch these movies. Feel free to add your own observations from movies with lighter models and types.
For example, a Ronson Touch Tip was also used in Ms. Wonderly's apartment (Cigarette box tray version) in The Maltese Falcon.
For example, there's the Ronson Touch Tip lighter with white tortoise watch/clock used in the 1941 version of The Maltese Falcon:
There's also the Gutman lighter in the Maltese Falcon (also used in Bullets or Ballots by Bogart) which is a 1929 Ronson New Yorker Baronet lighter set:
I just located a replica of the Ronson Twentycase lighter found in Bullets or Ballots (1936):
Then there's the IMCO Super 4700 Lighter Marion used in Raiders of the Lost Ark and Elsa's Lucky Lighter (Zippo with cloverleaf pattern graphic) used in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:
(Edited for clarity/accuracy and to differentiate the novels from the movies)
James Bond apparently used a Ronson (plain gunmetal no art) in the original Ian Fleming novels, mentioned over the course of several of them (e.g. discussed here: The James Bond lighter) and at least one site speculates it could be a Whirlwind as in the attached graphic below) (he was apparently given a Zippo to use in the US by the CIA to appear less conspicuous in the Live and Let Die book; the movie doesn't show the lighter where you can see it from what I can recall). The movies typically show him using Dunhill lighters (e.g. a silver Dunhill Broadboy MKII in Dr. No and a gold version in Goldfinger and what looks like a Dunhill "Unique" lift arm wick lighter in From Russia with Love and he's given a wedding gift of a newer Dunhill Unique in License to Kill with the inscription, "To James from Della and Felix" (Felix Leiter giving a "lighter" as a gift is kind of funny) and in Tomorrow Never Dies he has a gold Dunhill arm lighter (apparently a Dunhill QL 1402 in one shot and a much newer sports turbo (gas lighter with blue flame) in another that looks the same at a glance). (You can see the examples on that site; I don't currently have my own Unique or Broadboys to display so I'll leave them to that site to display).
The Ronson Whirlwind is a model started in 1941 with a wind cover that pops up in the front; see left graphic as shown on the quoted web site and one I own on the right with a slightly different pattern and then edited later with a newer one below that closely matches the one from the web site (e.g. see the wind cover on my Whirlwind after it. Same model, different face/graphic pattern):
Edit: Much closer match I obtained more recently:
I'm curious if the Ronson Whirlwind was used in more 1940s and later Hollywood movies, for example. I'll be keeping an eye out for it and others as I rewatch these movies. Feel free to add your own observations from movies with lighter models and types.
For example, a Ronson Touch Tip was also used in Ms. Wonderly's apartment (Cigarette box tray version) in The Maltese Falcon.
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