Light saber Mod


Active Member
I hope this isn't a repeat, but i have an FX vader saber that is half burned out. I am going sith, so i would like something brighter, and maybe with a detachable blade. I would sacrifice the detachable blade for extra realism.

I am looking to box this thing up and send it off the get the mod done. I am a body guy, electronics is not my bag.

I have seen the hyperdyne post, but it seems that is a do it your self thing; very impressive though. Any help would be appreciated.
Don't forget about the hyperdyne kit... I think too many are intimidated by the 'kit' but it seems to me you would be able to find someone here to help you along or perhaps do it for you for a small price. It depends on how much you want to spend. The hyperdyne kit is the most realistic and convincing in this day-and-age... its the closest thing 'real' lightsaber behaviors imo. Though it still won't cut off a limb... thats a good thing.
I was really happy with my conversion done by jonnywar on ebay. $65 plus pay to ship it to him and got it back in less than a week.