LAWS TK show-off...


Sr Member
...because I haven't seen any Trooper stuff posted in awhile!

Here's my recently acquired LAWS ANH TK...and yes, I know the lenses are wrong...:)

Here is a pic of mine

hey im does the size compare to an AP or FX helmet? It seems a little bigger than an AP...or maybe its just the pics haha
hey im does the size compare to an AP or FX helmet? It seems a little bigger than an AP...or maybe its just the pics haha

AP is one of the smaller helmets available, but I don't have one to compare it.

The DL is smaller than my FX though. :)

I think it's the same size as a TE2 :confused
The DL helmet is slightly bigger than an AP about the same as a TE2 although of course this all depends on whether you have a low brow, high brow, stunt or hero etc..

FX is still the largest lid out there i guess :lol
Interesting to see more of the Dave M style helmets, compared to the usual Brian R. Is it just the angles or have you attached the face angling too far forward at the bottom? It seems to be a general thing done to these helmets...

Definitely a nice and clean... sandtrooper. :lol
Interesting to see more of the Dave M style helmets, compared to the usual Brian R. Is it just the angles or have you attached the face angling too far forward at the bottom? It seems to be a general thing done to these helmets...

I too was noticing that it has a totally different look. Interesting indeed.
It has been found that pulling it back down at the tubes less than or about ½ an inch will give a better look. I wonder why this general assembly look is seen on nearly all of these helmets.