Law and Order

Got this one I drew up for Goren, think it's pretty close - just needs a signature:

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I just made these up. I was able to find good pics of the actual ID cards they used so the numbers on them should be accurate. I found images of Logan and Eames' ID's but the numbers are so blurry I can't tell what they say.

Have to figure out a way to get these printed. Wish I could get my hands on an actual Wheeler ID prop :love



Nice work congratulations, but the fonts for the Wheeler name rank and informations is not correct with the sreen used ID, and the NYPD seal is not green but violet color

I have the original, for information, almost all id's have the same informations ( barre code number serial... ), only names and photos are changed in order to simplify things as make ID with different information for each actors shall cost too expensive for production.

the id's are not visible when plans far it does not see them in the image.


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