Late to the party...My Farnsworth


Master Member
Okay, so my brother-in-law got me into Warehouse 13 this month and like so many others....Loved the Farnsworth. I began to go through threads looking for stuff, only to see the big C&D's that hit. So I began to look for other items. Tackle box $10.00 from Hong Kong on eBay. The switches and dials and lens, etc. I didn't score perfect ones, but I got them all local at Keisub electronics instead of shipping from 4 different vendors. $18.00. The view screen is a push light lense from Walmart $1.00. The camera lens was a half roung for .66 cents. The faceplate I had engraved at a trophy shop on brass colored plastic. I was quoted a price of $18.00, but when I went to pick it up, he called it a 'sample' and didn't charge me. So, withour further ado, my roughly $30.00 Farnsworth.

Not perfect, but I still think it's nice.





Thank you, Gents. And one more thing. The center knob was an amp knob with an inlaid metal dot. JB Weld, sanding and paint....
Looks fantastic! That faceplate turned out really well done (with a heck of a price :lol). Congrats and thanks!
That turned out great, I just got my tackle box this past week. Just have to get everything else together ;)
That looks great and really, really close to perfect. Wish I'd seen that before ordering all the parts from the main thread. ^_^
I am also super late to the party but I think that looks great! not to mention very creative with parts sourcing!