LA Studio Tours Advice?


Master Member
Might be heading to LA for a few days. Last time, we mostly relaxed and enjoyed good food and the city itself.

I once went for 5 days and spent most the time at the studios. We got to visit Sony, Universal and stopped by Disney Land.

Sony was one of the best days of my life as I was able to see screenused proton packs, suits, and even the Ecto 1 in all her restored glory.

Anyone been to the studios lately? I was hoping to find out if Sony is still displaying the GB props? Any other advice?

I took both Paramount and Warner Bros. a long time ago. Paramount was nice, it was a walking tour, while the Warner Bros. had a little car and everything. Warner Bros. was amazing!!! You need to call in advance and reserve a spot, tho.

In Warner Bros, the driver took us by mistake through one of the sets (no, it was not like what happens in Universal Studios... he really took a wrong turn and begged us not to take pics :lol) it happened to be the Minority Report jetpack/police/alley chase sequence set. That very same morning, they burned the Lexus that can be seen in the alley. It was a brand new Lexus SUV, brought in and burned just as a set dressing. We also got to see the Friend's set (Central Perk was torn down and the wedding set was built in it's place (it was not part of the tour. I was a big fan and asked the tour guide it there might be a cance to see the set), ER and a couple more sets. They have a place with original Batman suits, Christopher Reeve's Superman Suit (no cameras were allowed, tho).
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Ah, saw the ER set, so that must mean I went to WB as well. This was 5 years ago, so its a bit fuzzy. Def. did not see Batman or Superman suits.

Thanks for the advice! Anyone else go relatively recently?
I work at Sony, and am glad to say in the lobby of Sony Pictures Plaza (the weird pyramid looking building across the street from the lot) still has a number of props on display. A proton pack, some MIB items, the Jumanji board game, the Ghost Rider motorcycle, and a whole bunch of costumes. Ecto 1 is still on the lot (saw her a few days ago) but I'm not sure if they're going to send her back to comic con like they did the last few years. :cool
Hey CaptainEO
how close can you get to the Jumanji board game?
do you have to take the tour to see it?
im coming to LA in about a week for VidCon and if im able to see the Jumanji board game it would be so amazing for me. Please tell me more info on this!
Hey CaptainEO
how close can you get to the Jumanji board game?
do you have to take the tour to see it?
im coming to LA in about a week for VidCon and if im able to see the Jumanji board game it would be so amazing for me. Please tell me more info on this!

It's in a glass case in the lobby of one of the buildings (Sony Pictures Plaza) and you can get as close as the glass will allow you, so pretty close! 10 inches or so? I'm pretty sure you'll need to take a tour to see it, but I see tour groups all the time leaving from that building, so if you take a tour it should be one of the stops. On the website, it says "Tours depart daily Monday through Friday from Sony Pictures Plaza" so you should be golden.

Here's the info on the tour:
i called earlier and they said you dont have to take a tour to see it. and i contacted another person in our group and they said we could stop and see it.