Korbanth Obi-Wan TPM lightsaber


Sr Member
I know the korbanth saber isn't completely screen accurate, but the one thing that bothers me more than anything else about it is the emitter. It seems to be a bit too wide. Perhaps I am wrong and it's my eyes playing tricks on me. My question is is it or is it not too wide?
I think it's a bit too wide myself. Korbanth's runs are done with Jeff Parks of Parks Sabers. I think the Obi TPM is based off of his Phaeton saber, which has different dimensions to accomodate the Phase blades. I'm not sure if the Korbanth sabers are 3/4" blades or 1", which would make a difference.
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the Korbanth/Sithplant/Phaeton are all indeed the same hilt. They were built to accommodate a 3/4 inch blade. When i compared it to my Starkiller Obi-wan TPM, the emitter was a decent size, it was the entire back end of the saber that was undersized. Still i will admit, its not a bad saber for lack of a better/more affordable option.
Here's the Korbanth compared to the Anakin Starkiller Ultimate Edition, which is 100% screen accurate in every detail. Korbanth's is a hair undersized in width, and a good half inch or so in length, which is odd, considering these were being made with electronics in mind. The emitters are ALMOST exact, as both were scaled with a fender washer, though Korbanth's angles are a hair off, and yes, a touch wider.

(AS on left, Korb on right)




Also, the deepest part of the grooves in the black part of the emitter are 1.23 inches deep, which means, you could bore the emitter hole to accommodate a 1" blade if you wanted, and not run the risk of making the walls too thin. There also appears to be a channel cut for a switch or something. This can easily be modded for electronics. The only thing you'd need to figure out is how to anchor the emitter to the body if you still plan on using the red button as the retention screw, as boring down that far, removes the inner core that it currently attaches to.

as much as i hate to admit it, I kinda miss my korbanth TPM obi...*shrugs* oh well, i sold it to pay for my AnakinStarkiller hilt, so in a way its still with me in spirit LOL
Does AnakinStarkiller still make them? Or did i miss the opportunity?

Nope, it was an extremely limited run of 25, and I highly doubt anyone will want to part with it. I know that if I ever lose my job, become homeless, and lay starving to death on the street, some person will find a hobo corpse with an OWK TMP lightsaber strapped to his belt. :)
as much as i hate to admit it, I kinda miss my korbanth TPM obi...*shrugs* oh well, i sold it to pay for my AnakinStarkiller hilt, so in a way its still with me in spirit LOL

I'll trade u my korbanth for your AnakinStarkiller :p
Anybody know where i could get a replacement washer for the emitter face of the korbanth saber? I've looked at every home improvement store in my area, big and small, and can't find anything.
Anybody know where i could get a replacement washer for the emitter face of the korbanth saber? I've looked at every home improvement store in my area, big and small, and can't find anything.

You can't just put a washer on top of the Korbanth emitter. You'd need to machine a 1.5" diameter circle into the top of the emitter, about 1/8th of an inch deep.

You just need a standard 1 1/2" Fender Washer:

Also, I finally started machining mine to accommodate the 1' Polycarb blades I duel with at events:



Unfortunately, doing so destroys all ability to anchor and secure all the saber pieces together. I need to make a custom collar to insert inside, but I won't get around to that until after my Anakin run is done, since it will actually take some programming.
I have a kind of blueprint of this saber,I don't know exactly what it is:


I had this picture from a friend,but I meet two problems:

it's really small,and it's difficult to read...

I don't know what it is exactly,original prop,replica,whose one?

Maybe someone knows?

When I will get sure to find some good documents I woud try to make a accurate obiwan TPM lightsaber with electronics of course...
No idea. I haven't taken calipers to my Anakin Starkiller OWK TPM saber, so I can't say how much they differ. However, I know the blueprinter, and his measurements are always accurate within a couple millimeters.
A lot of Korbanth's ones are quite small and hard to install elecs in... This one doesn't actually look bad at all :)
If you've ever held one of his windu hilts you'll know what i'm saying...