Jurassic Park velociraptor egg


New Member
Hey guys,
I'm sculpting a 1:1 scale replica of the velociraptor egg from Jurassic Park. I hope to rolo-cast this once its done.


Texture test:
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Just an example of what can be done with a lathe. These were machined on a lathe out of solid chunks of aluminum.

Nice job and cool egg, by the way! :thumbsup


2nd that. How fine can you take that before it flies out of the lathe?
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Nice job Do You have a tool rest on that lathe? Or are You using that oval? if You are then it must be a lot of fun in Your Shack
Nice job Do You have a tool rest on that lathe? Or are You using that oval? if You are then it must be a lot of fun in Your Shack

My lathe has a "Copy craftier" tool that follows the 2D oval to transfer the design to the turning block. It's not in the photo.
Sorry I realized that after I started digging,I'll put the shovel down and congratulate You on a nice job