Originally posted by czjxm7+Dec 8 2005, 11:55 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(czjxm7 @ Dec 8 2005, 11:55 AM)</div>
@Dec 7 2005, 11:43 PM
Czjxm, Were you the one also responsible for catching those fine specimans of South Carolina's State Bird?. :lol
Yep, I caught some, and some fellow RPF'ers sent some to me. Some of those buggers were huge. And Joint effort is an understatement. My buddy did a good deal of the legwork, as far as casting and such, I just turned into the middle man it seems. But once Rylo set our tops into his canes, AAAAHHHHHH. It was magic. One hell of a product came out of it all. One of the best board collaberated projects I've seen in a while.