Johnny English - MI7 ID Card


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this has been done before, but I couldn't find anything.

Anyway here is my version of Johnny English's MI7 ID Card

View attachment 134891

2 Versions included.

Page 1 - Fold over version
Pages 2-3 - Double-sided version

After a few suggestions I have done an alternate version, with a different picture and a slightly more visible background detail.

View attachment 134889

Another Alternate Version: This time with a more accurate picture (thanks Caplan)

View attachment 135631

Now you can pick your favourite.

Comments, suggestions, corrections let me know.

PDF's Attached

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Very nice, another well made prop.

Thanks Peter, you seem to be on a major prop creation spree lately.:):thumbsup
good work, just a note missing the royal crown in the background next to the letters MI7
and for the backside just little modification ISSUED not ISSUES.


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Good catch Caplan, to be honest I hadn't even noticed the crown until you mentioned it.

I've updated the PDF in the first post.

good editing, but if I may say so, the crown must be even more pronounced, and it is full of large format (not only the cross)
you be more precise as you should put a picture profile of Johnny English.

yes but the id card does not appear in the movie it was just a prototype.
where a final cut scene.

but the look is very nice.
Nicely done!
I have one of the other "production made" cards from the propstore
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To give it the ultimate authenticity:
if you go on ebay, there are many people that print your excellent design to a piece of credit card type pvc. I had this done with my Jason Bourne cards and they look fantastic.

Although they may look just as good laminated- and the film prop ones may be simply laminated as well.
I've added an alternate version of the ID with a different picture, your choice.

I'll have to have a look into that Nikkyboy, thanks.
The production ones were laminated

My apologies, for authenticity you should laminate the cards- for 'coolness' - i think pvc is the way to go - By the way- you must have some real talent with photoshop- I'm so terrible I don't touch it with a barge pole :lol

Thanks for the design - looks 100 percent accurate- an exellent addition to and collection - you should also upload it for others in the paper props thread.
personally the alternative version is perfect, it is very good work(y)thumbsup congratulations

I prefer the alternative version too.
Just for reference, this is the one I have
Great work!
You should consider making one with the "Toshiba - British Intelligence" logo of the second movie (Johnny English Reborn) as seen here:
Great work!
You should consider making one with the "Toshiba - British Intelligence" logo of the second movie (Johnny English Reborn) as seen here:

I was looking at it, but it could be tricky.


It seems (and I don't know exactly haven't watched this film yet), to be printed on clear plastic, with an aluminium frame.

I was looking at it, but it could be tricky.
It seems (and I don't know exactly haven't watched this film yet), to be printed on clear plastic, with an aluminium frame.


It sure looks hard to reproduce! Maybe printing on transparent acetate sheets the main layer, then the photo on normal/photographic paper and laminating the whole thing... For the frame, you could glue some aluminium foil (the kind used to wrap foods).

EDIT: I don't remember if it was in the movie, but it's worth watching it for a good laugh. :lol
I thought about printing onto acetate, but there is a major problem with the contains white (or at least light grey), and of course printers don't actually print white so.....