Jm's Lit ANH/ESB Graflex Build


Sr Member
This is officially the last Star Wars prop I've ever wanted. *This is it - the Holy Grail of all of Star Wars - the Skywalker saber. *For those of you who've read my "Your Father's Lightsaber" thread, which details my screen-accurate Hero hilt (All vintage parts, unmodified for electronics), you know I have quite a passion for this hilt. *I won't bore you with another long writeup of information you already know anyway, but if you're interested, the link to my screen-accurate hilt is here.

"Your Father's Lightsaber" - Vintage Graflex with Crystal Chamber

In any case, this thread isn't about my Hero hilt. *This is about the build I've always wanted to do - a lit Graflex hilt with a modular hilt which can switch between ANH and ESB versions. *As most of you know, there are a few differences between these hilts, and the differences I'll be focusing on are the following:

1. Grips (Seven on the ANH version, six riveted grips on the ESB version)
2. Clamp (Bubble strip on the ANH and Computer Card on the ESB)
3. D-Ring (Unidentified 5/8" on ANH, Kobold on ESB)

These can be done with only a few parts being switched around, which I still have to acquire. *However, I felt it was time to post this thread, because this just arrived in the mail today:


I always kinda looked at Graflex flashes on ebay, but since they were all going for like $250, I figured I'd put this build off for a few years. *However, once in a long while, a deal passes by, and there was a fully-built Graflex ANH shell up for less than $100, which included a bladeholder. *I figured it was time, and though there's a problem which might be irrevocable for some people, but more on that later.

So, here's an overall view of the saber.


Bladeholder came pre-installed.


I'm not sure what this is, but the glass-eye shows up pink. *Not sure if this is part of the bladeholder deal, as I've never seen one of these lit up, but I find it a bit...odd.


This is technically ESB tape, not ANH tape, but actually, I like the textured look better. I think I'll keep it this way.


So, six grips with an ANH d-ring. *Yeah. *Clearly not built by a saber expert here, but I'll be switching out the grips anyway - they're falling off. *So, seven TCSS grips here, and we have an accurate bottom.


Now, here's the big problem. *There's a good 1/2 inch hole on the side of the Graflex, originally drilled for a switch. *Again, not made by an accuracy expert. *I'm not too concerned, though, because though the screen-accurate saber has the clamp on the left side (when viewed from the pommel end), the clamp was actually moved to the other side for both pre- and post-production photos. *This view, then is technically correct, and as I have a screen-accurate version, I like this change. *In addition, I'm left handed, so this is more comfortable to hold. *Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this is the logical side for the clamp anyway, if we look at the ROTS and ESB versions, both of which have the clamp on the right side. *This is a more logical step between ROTS and ESB, and it's accurate - and I can treat it as a crystal-chamber viewing window!

So, not a bad deal for just over $70 shipped. *I'm pretty pleased with it, though it does need some work. *This is all I've got right now, but I'll be updating this thread as I acquire components.

To Do List:
1. Order following parts from TCSS:
* * * * * * *- 7 grip set
* * * * * * *- 6 grip set (these need to be replaced anyway)
* * * * * * *- ESB D-ring
* * * * * * *- LED
2. Order following parts from elsewhere:
* * * * * * - 3 cell bottom
* * * * * * - ESB card
* * * * * * - UltraEdge blade with pointed tip
3. Assemble ESB bottom half (for Dagobah version ESB saber)
4. Fix grips on ANH version
5. Acquire crystal chamber (Yoda's DIY coming up soon)
6. Acquire soundboard (probably PC lightmeat, for cost purposes)
7. Finish build.

So, I've got plenty of stuff to do on this one, but I'm happy to finally be working on it, my remaining unicorn. *This, along with my Mk VI, is going to make my lightsaber collection something to treasure for years to come. *I wanted to post, so you guys keep me going on this project! *

Thanks for looking.