Jason redux sculpture(possible spoiler)


New Member
Heres some pics of my remake Jason sculpture. The movie was OK. I just wish they had showed the makeup in the movie because it was pretty effective. I did this sculpture today and should have it molded soon. I'll have a painted copy to post next week hopefully.



Very awesome would love a casting or possibly a painted bust if you decide to make them. Great work.
I love it! :eek

Do you have any screen caps of the one movie pics?

You have talent my forum-friend. This jason is my favorite so far. It is real to me. I have and always love Jason VII the most, but that one is my fantasy Jason. This F13 XII Jason is the most believable realistic Jason so far.

Thanks for sharing.

Are you gonna make masks or busts for people?

speaking of screen caps if anyone has caps of the crazy hick wood chipper dude in his goggles, please PM me the pic.
Yeah, great sculpt! Do you have any pics of what you used for reference (I've only seen one small pic of the new mask-less Jason).

Look forward to seeing this painted up. :)
Bohred you have a big group of fans over at Frightstuff.com that are trying to get incontact with you. They haven't been able to reach you because they aren't members here.

I was sent a PM on another forum by a friend who wanted me to pass on the message.

Brilliant sculpt! :love