Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy) - with BLINK/FADE LED EYES


Well-Known Member
Good day everyone

Newbie here... my brother and I been following IM threads here for quite some time and been inspired by members here like zabana, gemini khan, leslie, robo and stealth (and more) to do our own ironman mkvi pep helmet.

At first we tried to make a warmachine helmet but thats another story.
I will share our latest work which started last July 26, 2011.
We used shark's pep model unfolded by dubean.
We are aiming for 99% movie accuracy.
Tough (yeah) but am sure you guys can help me through much of your experiences and suggestions. Thanks in advance.
So here goes....
(my apology on pix resolution since i only use my mobile phone camera)
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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

additional pep photos...
We noticed that our pep helmet is quite thin so we put some reinforcement inside to widen the head a bit....
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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

the photos i've posted were in thumbnails.... how can i post photos which is already large enough to view :confused?
help from anyone is highly appreciated.... thanks in advance
Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

I think I got the photo-posting in large views...

3rd day, resining...
Thin resin coating inside and out...





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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

4th Day... thick resin coating on the inside of the helm....

Coated the inside using thick resin (non-sag formulated by the manufacturer) to further toughen the helmet without using fiberglass reinforcement as of the moment.



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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

On the 4th day I also applied the first coating of body filler on the face plate... (too excited... hehe):lol

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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

5th Day...

Initial sanding on the faceplate and body filler coating on full helmet...




Now its taking a nice shape...:cool
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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

6th day....

After initial sanding on the full helmet my younger brother ("the ever-perfectionist") noticed some discrepancy of the helmet compare to the movie pix and some other reference pix we have (from rpf memebers here who made excellent work)...

The lower lip is a bit long while the upper lip side looped (curved) back...


After modification

Proceeded to more body filler and more sanding... :wacko
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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

7th day...

Body filler... sanding... body filler... sanding... yadada... yadada...





Please nevermind the background... hehe:eek
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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

8th day...

Some more body filler and sanding... (whew... its taking me forever!!!)



I tried to make the screw mark on the face plate... again, too excited... hehe...

but im pleased with my experimental screw mark...:love
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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

The succeeding 3 days I was out attending seminars... so progress on our project slowed down...

So 9th day on the build... (after the seminar)

Still some more body filler and sanding work... details... details... details...









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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

dude, photos aren't working. Create a photobucket account or something and use the IMG code to post the pictures.
Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

10th day...

After enough body filler been applied and enough sanding have been done... still have smalll pin holes so I applied glazing putty to fix those tiny imperfection...

I thinned the glazing putty using lacquer thinner and applied it all over the helmet using a brush...




Then after the application of thinned glazing putty using brush I was shocked on the result...:eek

"houston we have a problem"

The surface now has more lines than ever and more sanding will be needed just to level all the surfaces... darn:angry

Definitely a wrong move trying to speed things up then getting the reverse result... waaaaaaahhhh :cry
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Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

hey i reloaded the photos since bimmer noticed its not working and i did what he suggested me to do (thanks man)... hope this time it works...
Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

Nice, may I know whose PEP file version you used for this helm? I think we might be using the same one.

The cheek part, wow great detail, mine sort of just get buried in bodyfiller. :)

Ah a little San Miguel Beer always helped hehehe!!!
Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

3 days of more sanding and detailing had passed...

And now ready to add final screw marks...



Found some tox lying around the shop (lol):lol

And gave me an idea what to do...


tah dah...

It sure looks good...:love
Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

Nice, may I know whose PEP file version you used for this helm? I think we might be using the same one.

The cheek part, wow great detail, mine sort of just get buried in bodyfiller. :)

Ah a little San Miguel Beer always helped hehehe!!!

We used "Sharkmark VI - Iron Man - Helmet - Unfolded by Dubean33.pdo"... but try to check the version 2.1 they made... I think its better... good luck man...

and yeah... san mig helps too... hehe:lol
Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

Through-out the build much attention were given to the faceplate (forehead curve and lower face curve)... need to get the correct shape that will bend the light correctly same as the movie... darn hard and tricky...:unsure

We widened the gap between the upper and lower lip since movie helm and other excellent helm has i think at least 2mm gap.

Then another details on the lower lip were given attention... I dont know if others noticed this but some of the movie shots showed a lining above the lower lip... so for the sake if being accurate on this feature, we also put it on our helmet... (though its noticeable that most IM Helmet builder does not put this lining)... oh well, maybe this will identify our helmet from the rest of the helmet out there... :lovehehe





Any suggestion/comments on what we did is highly appreciated (please be gentle :lol)
Re: Ironman mkvi pep helm (aiming 99% movie accuracy)

Yesterday (August 14, 2011)...

Photos before applying primer paint...


