ironman mark III costume (W.I.P) ñew cardboard chest


Well-Known Member
hi guys i need some opinions!! i will start my iron suit i have the files from dancin_fool but the abs are missing
robo's files a great too
for the helmet i have two models
wich will be the best to start this costume i mean using a mix of files?
i need your opinions because this will be a hard job hahaha

this is from sharkhead7854 unfolded by dubean33


from zabana


and the last question i can't find difference between markII and mark III my idea is to build version II i think the only difference are the rivets and colour

here the pics





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Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

not many mark II's out there. It gets a lot of props around the net from what I see. People seem to really dig it.
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

The mark 3 and the mark 2 are the exact same. The only difference from the movies is the different metal used....... and of course the paint!! I like the mark 2..... if it is done right.
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

Yep Mark2 is exactly the same deal just paint which if done correct will runn you approx 5X as much as the Mark3. And a whole lot of rivets, 51 in the helmet alone that is what I have in my Helmet castings anyway. ;)
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

hi guys i need some opinions!! i will start my iron suit i have the files from dancin_fool but the abs are missing
robo's files a great too
for the helmet i have two models
wich will be the best to start this costume i mean using a mix of files?
i need your opinions because this will be a hard job hahaha

this is from sharkhead7854 unfolded by dubean33


from zabana


and the last question i can't find difference between markII and mark III my idea is to build version II i think the only difference are the rivets and colour

here the pics







If you want to do my helmet don´t use that one, use this one instead of that, this is the V4 and is based on cg files, so it´s the most accurate one ;)


Here is a pic of it ready to resin

And about mk2 or mk3 I´ll say mk2, there is no a lot of it and when you want to change you can paint it as a mk3 with some battle damages ;)
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

wow amazing helmet zabana thanks for the file
mark II if it is well done is much pretty:):)
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

But to do it proper you would need to counter sink the rivets a fraction not just paint them on or put rivets ontop. The rivets were supposed to be aircraft rivets which are not a reg type, a variation of this type (the countersunk ones)
SOLID ALUMINUM RIVETS from Aircraft Spruce

To get this type of effect.

Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

For the movie, I was under the impression that the "rivets" on the suits were just painted or scuffed areas to look like rivets.

...I seem to remember that on some behind the scenes video. Or maybe I dreamt it.

Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

It almost looks like the abs are different between the 2 and 3, may just be the picture.
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

For the movie, I was under the impression that the "rivets" on the suits were just painted or scuffed areas to look like rivets.

...I seem to remember that on some behind the scenes video. Or maybe I dreamt it.


Nope dreaming. ;) lol

And here I thought they were spot welds

Nope rivets, here is a close up shot of the lower thigh section just above the knee area.

Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

Check this out, it just looks like they just used a Dremel-like tool to sand a swirled pattern into the top layer of paint:

The making of IRON MAN the Armor. - YouTube (Starting around 6:09)

They even say it's just the illusion of a polished rivet. I may not be dreaming after all! (For once)

Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

Ah look at that. It was exactly what I was going to do with my build but decided once it was vac metalized or painted with chrome paint the divets created by the dremel bit would vanish.
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

But to do it proper you would need to counter sink the rivets a fraction not just paint them on or put rivets ontop. The rivets were supposed to be aircraft rivets which are not a reg type, a variation of this type (the countersunk ones)
SOLID ALUMINUM RIVETS from Aircraft Spruce

To get this type of effect.


your helmet is perfect finhead!!! but if you see the first pic (mrk II) the rivets on the chest seems to be on top perhaps the pic is not from the movie suit:confused
definitely i will build version II

i can't find good pics from mark II i mean the rivets of the whole suit
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

Your pic is a CGI render I believe for the the video game, same with the Mark3 you have posted. Here is another pic of the real Mark2 suit. They are def not raised rivets they are as Nick showed just a cut below the surface or a mark if you will. Mine are appox .5mm below the surface as paint will fill this a bit. Either way a lot of work to do rivets in a full suit, I will be doing it as a personal project but not doing molds etc.

Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

Your pic is a CGI render I believe for the the video game, same with the Mark3 you have posted. Here is another pic of the real Mark2 suit. They are def not raised rivets they are as Nick showed just a cut below the surface or a mark if you will. Mine are appox .5mm below the surface as paint will fill this a bit. Either way a lot of work to do rivets in a full suit, I will be doing it as a personal project but not doing molds etc.


yep maybe is a render this pic is excellent, do you have more mrkII pics or a link?
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

It is for sure a render used to have the full size of that pic it's blocky once blown up to full scale. Just not sure what it was done for.
Afraid not on more pic, I lost my HD a few weeks ago and lost about 3 gig's of reference for the Mark1, Mark2 and Mark3. :unsure Only had that and the close up shot in my online pics folder.
Re: ironman markII or III? costume (W.I.P)

well i started with the helmet but i have a problem haha:lol:lol does not fits on my head the hole is too small i used the scale is on the pepakura hight 265 witdh 292 depth 296
i have others files and have those measures aprox
any advice how can i scale this!!!!!! :unsure

