iron man mark vi build


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I am starting a thread here to share the process and journey I am embarking on to create my own Iron Man armor. I have chosen to start with pepakura files and have to say thank you to every one who has ever put any time into creating both the software and the pep files to create such works of art. So ... THANK YOU!!! I am choosing to start with the Mark VI armor as I really like the look of the triangular arc reactor. I have read and watched some of the other projects that have occurred and are currently going on now. I have really liked a lot of what I saw and chose to do this myself. You know how it goes ... see something you want and if you have the determination to get it, you go for it. So to begin I will upload a pic of the face shield and see how that goes. I just completed the rough draft version using Callmemilo's model to see if the fit was correct. I think the face plate will fit pretty good. Let the adventure begin ... !!!
Mind if I join your thread?

I'm starting my own MKIV Armour...actually just started it this week.

I opted for the MKIV as I like the detail and prefer the round Arc Reator.
I started off using Camillo's files. They are easier to put together, but I find the end product to be harder to finish. The lack of 'lips' on the interior edge make it difficult to get everything smooth.

When you really get going, use Robo or Finhead's helmet files. They are both awesome and well worth the extra trouble to put together.
JMar ... you can sure join my thread ... I don't mind at all ... I am going to start the real build with sharkmarks helemt .pdo and then the mark six file I have for the armor does not have a name attached to it so I cant give credit for it. I think by the looks of the files that the creator did a good job on the armor and I have a complete set so I am excited. Yeah I have not gotten far obviously but am getting ready to print all of the upper body files and start cutting and cutting and cutting ... lol ... then it will be folding and folding and folding ... once I cannot feel the tips of my fingers then I know I am ready to fiberglass ... I have already been keeping a note journal of ideas I come across or come up with to add something to the build ... I look forward to sharing what I come up with
Thanks, It'll be cool to 'co-build'. (I don't know about you but it may help me stay on track when the project gets difficult)

I think I'm using the same files, the sharkmark helmet and a compilation of the rest of the armour. I think Robo3687 put the files into one place...but I'm not 100% sure.
Yeah the complete suit from Robo can be found here:
Iron Man Pep Files.rar - - online file sharing and storage - download
(Both Mark III and VI)

best Ironman model I've seen so far, kudo's to him!
Robo's files are for Mk IV and VI guys, not III.

Sorry had to say it because too many people get the Mark III and IV confused. Robos files are for the Mark IV and VI only. If you want Mark III files, got and look for DancinFool's files. His are the most complete Mark III files I've seen
to shade: Thanks for the head's up.

I may be flip flopping on the armour I want to do. The MKIV really pops but there's something about the "classic" MKIII....
Here's my progress of the last week...

I've had a few fit issues but nothing serious. Though I am having trouble with the eyes...but I'll deal with that next week.
JMar nice build ... i was looking at the pics and you may want to put a little attention to the lower back part of the crown on your helmet ... looks a little off on the alignment ... try to correct it now so you dont have to fight it after putting on the resin ... other wise great job I still need to print out the new pep files to start the build as the first pep crown sags real bad with out any from to to it what so ever .. it was depressing to see it when i completed it but after seeing how your pep file held out after assembly gives me hope that robos files are better ... would you be willing to pm me a pic of it on your head so i can kinda see the fit? i am jsut curious of how mine should turn out
I would but I glued the chin on (with the plan to separate various pieces at a later date). I can tell you, however, that there is plenty of space to add padding for a good fit.

As for the crown I'll probably have to make some adjustments once I get the "face" finished and secured...Now that I think of it I may end up making a second articulated helmet (opening face and chin) and leave this one static (except for a hinged back to get it over my gigantic cranium.

As for the MKIII or MKIV...I don't know. Overall I prefer the MKIV and the additional detail but I really HATE the forearms. On the other side I loved the first Ironman and have wanted to do armour for sometime...

decisions, decisions...

BTW Look forward to further updates on your armour!
Dang that sucks but what can you do lol ... I have to wait til sometime this week to get more printer ink ... I am bummed that these cartridges do not last longer ...

I kinda dig the MK VI forearms and they leave a lot of room to add some ideas that i want to design to make them somewhat more functional then floppy and loose I think it will alter the look enough to really add some pizazz ... I should hopefully have some updates by the end of the week but it depends on when I can get the ink cartridge ...

what are your plans for the boots? I have some ideas i would like to run by you but i dont really want to release the ideas on open forum just yet ... sorry folks just want to attempt to wow you with my skills when i complete them ... lol ... once i finish them i will still be more then happy to share the process and info on it ...
MKIV Helmet becomes Study model.

I'm totally not happy with the results so I'm starting from scratch.

Also I'm gonna go with the MKIII
JMar ... mark IV getting the boot ... oh well ... way i figure it most everyone creates a helmet first time just to learn how to be patient ... lol ... my first mask shown above was just to see how well i could gauge the size of the file and that was all it was for ... now I get to build the real file and get the lines to match correctly since i can size it pretty good ... really look forward to how both our builds turn out in the end ... do you have the mark III files?
I was hoping to get it going right out of the gate but no such luck...But that's OK, it was a good experience getting started.

I MAY end up doing a hybrid, a MKIV with MKIII I said before it's the only part I didn't like. Looking at them I can see how the MKIV forearm would allow better movement, but I find th4e MKIII bicep/forearm more balanced, visually...

Damn, they both look so good...Time will tell and card stock is (relatively) cheap!

I do indeed have the MKIII files, so I'm good to go there.

BTW do you use MSN or Facebook? If ur interested in chatting/discussing off thr forum let me know.
Cool! I am using the exact same model :) I already fiberglassed mine and cut it into the 3 pieces (faceplate, chin and the back).

next stop: body filling :)