How do you take screenshots of bluray titles on the PC? I want to get a bluray drive for my PC and do stuff like this, but I thought it was impossible. To be honest I'd like to rip chapters as well and play them directly from the harddrive like I do with my DVD's and the VOB ripping program Smart Ripper.
I can't seem to find any info on this. I use hard drive stored VOB chapters for ref when 3d sculpting on the pc. I have the VOB paused or playing in one window and my 3d program going on in another window on the same screen. This way works very well for me, but it's DVD resolution. I want to go dual monitor display and basically pull the same trick off. Sadly Bluray has all this copy protection bull**** involved.
I run vista 64 bit, with a pentium quad q6600, 8 gigs ram, and a nivida gtx 8800 graphics card.
This VOB setup works real well for me but I fear that bluray titles will present some challenges into recreating this way I've adopted to study the ref while doing my cgi recreations. It ticks me off!