Interrogation droid project


Master Member
Anyone know where the ANH Interrogation Droid is on display at the moment?

I am searching for the last item to complete my 1:1 ID, and I can't figure out the ring looking instrument on the rear of the droid's upper half. It appears to be some sort of clamping surgical instrument, but I have found nothing similar in my searches for the last 3 years. There just aren't any good rear photos of the droid due to it's attachment for the support stand being on the back.


Here are pics:




In each pic there are 3 silver doo-dads on the top of the droid. In the 3rd pic, the one I'm interested in is the shorter center doo-dad
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Looks like what docs use to pull babies out by the head during difficult deliveries-- I seem to remember seeing them before. I have seen pics of babies with marked heads and indentations from instruments like these (not permanent of course). Not sure if they still use these but it is an area to pursue.

Nice pic btw! Any more?

After re-reading your post, I think I may be commenting on the wrong item you are asking about, therefore no help what-so-ever. Can you circle or point to what specifically you are asking about?

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I think it's called a forceps. It is used to pull babies out. I heard all the great stories about it being used on me (I was over 10 lbs at birth...Mama needed a little help LOL).:lol

Hmmm...after reading Wannab's edit...I may be talking about the wront thing too. Sorry.
The short, center doo-dad in the third picture reminded me of something from either mountain climbing or sailing. It just looks so familiar...

Could it be along the lines of the "hank" at the top, center of the page. I found this looking through "nautical equipment" on google.

It's currently touring with the WSMI exhibit which I think just went to Chicago after being in Australia. I belive the part you're looking for is this one: (click for larger pic)

Unfortnatly that's the best shot of it I got.
Could it be a type of piton? Looks solid at the bottom, but has a slot in the 'ring' section...
Is there such a thing as a breakaway piton for climbing? friction / fall arrest?
You know, in Adywan's cut of the film, the syringe is now an electrode.....complete with an electric needle!
