Sr Member
I've costumed Juliet from Lost, so when my niece got me hooked on Once Upon A Time and I saw Elizabeth Mitchell in such a gorgeous dress... I started looking for an excuse. I found a convention close to us to go to, so my deadline is April 24th to get both this and a Snow White/Huntsman costume done for her.
But now that we just reserved a room for Dcon, I have another place to wear it! (Looking for other OUaT costumers!) I think for my husband, I'll make him be a grown up version of Jack Frost... gotta do the couple thing! haha!
So this is my build thread.
To take this on I realized quickly the fabric already beaded either wasn't going to look similar enough or was going to cost me $200 a yard. EEK! (They had it in white, but it was sold out)
So then I found this:
And This:|pdp|viewed_viewed|pdpv1
And figured I could make it work, and just, you know, bead it myself. HA!
So I also bought this pattern to help me with the basic structure:
The wave pattern curtain lace was very stiff when I bought it and I wasn't sure it would work, but then I washed it in hot water and conditioner and it softened up really beautifully. So - hit to those who want to soften stiff lace.
I have some transparent glass seed beads left over from Galadriel and then, remembering how difficult it is to string bead by bead, I bought these sequins and seed pearl beads pre strung - thinking it will help me do this faster:
Ugh, what a mistake:
The silver sequins are much too big and... too silver... so, now I have $15 worth of strung silver sequins, if anyone is in the market.
I asked Mdb and friends on a LOTR and Hobbit costuming group for advice and was put in the knowledge of mini-sequins and while I didn't get them prestrung, I found what I think looks much better:
And right now, this is how far I am - I should note that I am adjusting the neckline up:
I do have the pattern made for everything but the neckpiece and cape - going to tackle that in a week or so. Right now I'm enjoying the slow process of beading and sequin-ing. It feels like such an 'elvish' passtime... though I have to admit, the first few hours I felt extremely awkward with my thread getting all knotted up all the time. haha!
I have no idea how much interest there is going to be on this board for this costume, but figured, hey, I'm getting back in the game, I might as well create a build thread.
I do have a few other costumes planned for Dcon that I think will be of interest here, but we'll see if I can come up with the funding to get the materials in time.