Info on Lara Croft Tomb Raider Costume?


Sr Member
Now that Halloween has passed, I was wondering if anyone out there has done a Lara Croft costume, and would be willing to pass any info along to me (where to acquire parts for example)? My wife has expressed a great interest in this for next year, and with costuming so fresh on our minds, I thought now would be the best time to ask.

Lookin' forward to seein' her as Croft ... :love


That site is Keith's? I didn't know that.

That girl is... She's just... I mean... Oh... Oh. My. God. :love

Holy crap, she's freaking hot. :)


I'll be in my bunk. :D
Yes, Jules is gorgeous and she makes great and accurate costumes... The best forum for Lara cosplayers is ;)

Corelliandawn is the site of Jules, RQ is Keith's site ;)

I did the photoshop work on this pic:
She did the other ones! :)
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Couldn't find my book mark for Keith's.
Found Jules site last month.

Pretty girl and great outfits.
She makes a great Lara, good photo shoots as well.

After 5+ years of running the Top Cow booth at about 10 comic conventions a year, I have seen more Lara Crofts then I can even count (cause we made the comic) and the most impressive in person was Valerie.:thumbsup
You should chat with the guys(girls) making this fan film they are a wonderful bunch, and Valerie's outfits every year at the con were great (she does an awesome Wonder Woman as well:love)
Thanks for the pointers to

The girls over there are the best in Lara Croft costuming and will show you the ropes.

Drop me a pm and I will get you an account.
Have a question I've been meaning to ask you.

Did anyone ever ID the patch on the TR2 bomber jacket?
Not the 8th Army Air Corps, the other one that looks like Donald Duck in some pix.

I have a jacket I want to modify an add the patches to.
Need to find the right fur to replace on the collar and add to the cuffs.


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Thanks for the links and info guys! My wife will have to decide which one she likes best (she mentioned the silver one from the first movie, but I haven't seen a pic of that yet).

Anyone know if raiderquest only takes apps at certain times? I'm tried registering, but keep being told my username is disallowed (tried several different names).


I wish I had seen some of these posts a few weeks ago. Been working on this for someone and I only had 2 images to go off of. This is what I have come up with. Its still not finished but I'm getting there.



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I am looking for someone who offers custom Lara Croft costumes for sale. I see a lot of people showing off thier amazing costumes but would like to find a seller who specializes in making this for cosplayers. Interested in the 'classic' Lara Croft look.
I know that costumebase offers lara croft stuff... And theres is another chinese seller on ebay who offers a classic lara croft outfit for cosplayers...

But I like the movie costume more...
Hi Guys, new to the site and while I'm not a fully fledged prop maker, I don't like off the shelf costumes so prefer to make them from scratch, but as they are only for costume parties, they tend to be bargain basement affairs rather than fully fledged copies, although I find that whilst you can get away some of the broader areas of the canvas, its the details that matter for a really good outfit, so I try to spend my money on those.

At the moment I'm looking for some help on a lara croft costume for my wife. I noticed that others have suggested trying, I tried there but couldn't register for some reason. Every name I chose, even completely random ones were disallowed by the site, so I guess its that sites way of closing the gates.

So any help you guys can give me with Lara Croft will be greatly appreciated.
Start with choosing which version of Lara you want to do. There are some mass produced Lara gear that you can find easily on eBay such as her pistols, backpack, and holsters.
The most information is available for the movie costume... No need to search for a top in that special colour, no brown pants for part 1-5 and no special items like the hook, granades for the newer games. Just 2 simple guns, black pants, top and for the boots you can get close enough boots... Even the belt is not that hard, if you are not so picky with the details...
I tried there but couldn't register for some reason.
The site was overloaded with spam-bot accounts (like a swarm of fake registrations every day), so the registration process was changed, try contacting Zen or another Mod there...

And yes, a lot depends on which Lara you need info on, some versions are easier some a little more complex, but every different costume is easily recognizable. It's quite iconic.
I made a Lara Croft costume for my wife last year. It ended up being a cross between the game and the movie.



That's me as Indy :)

The boots used in the movies are from Pennangalan and can be purchaced here: Pennangalan - Goth, Steampunk, Traditional, Fetish Shoes and Boots

Top and shorts were bought at regular womens clothes store. The holster was from ebay (costumebay I think) I had to modify it a bit and add a new belt buckle.

Guns are airsoft guns: UHC USP Match Tomb SD-UA-956CH,Two Tone Airsoft Gun

Wig and gloves are from ebay aswell.

hope this helps :)
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