Indy Guns?


Well-Known Member
Hey, So this is actually my first topic...My name is Vlair, and I've done a bunch of comic costumes, as well as direct and made most of the costumes for my Repo Shadowcast.

Anyways, I'm making a Captain Jack Harkness costume, and I've noticed that his gun is awefully similar to Indys, and I figured that, since there are far more Indy Costumers than there are Jack Costumers that I should ask the Indys about where the heck they get their beautiful toys. :p

So..yeah...Where would I find one?
Indy carries Webley revolvers (as well as a browning hi-power and a smith and wesson revolver) Capt. Jack packs an enfield revolver. It is very close, but smaller with a different trigger guard and hammer.

You can find some decent castings of a webley green on ebay. I guess the real question is, what's your budget for the project?

I think Matt (matsuo) did some enfield castings, didn't he?

Oh, hey WELCOME to the RPF! sells replicas of the Indy guns...I know there are a few other vendors as well. Wade Egan I believe also sells them.
You want a Webley (Enfield No2 in .38 S&W, not .38 special), why not check some local gun shows? Depending on the quality these old relics can be bought sometimes cheaper than a replica...if you can find one. I think all the Replica's are the .455 cal guns.

See for what guns fit.
In Raiders Indy used a S&W model 1917. It was a 45 that used either 45 acp with moon clips or 45 auto rim. They where made to help with the shortages of the 1911. I bought this one because some had cut the barrel to 4" just like Indy's.

I've assembled an Indy gun collection over the past year; two from GunBroker, one from a local show:


Left to Right:

- Webley WG Army M1896 in .455 caliber, manufactured 1906
- Browning Hi Power, Inglis No. 2 Mk. 1, 9mm, manufactured 1944
- Smith & Wesson 2nd Model Hand Ejector in .455, British proofed, manufactured 1916

All are in shooting condition. I also worked with Wade Egan on producing his resin Webley WG casts (made from my Webley).

i beleave jack harkness uses a webly mrk6 pm me and i can sort you out

i also made his wrist computer but thers a vey good mass produced toy that lights up and everything
Did Indy also not use a 1911 - In Raiders, the "Engines Have Stopped" scene aboard Katanga's ship when Marion awakens to the sound of him chambering a round?

Or is *that* the Browning there?