Indiana Jones Winks At George Lucas [Pic]

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You are just finding this out? This has been known for about 25 years. You do know that there are other forums than the OT, right?
You are just finding this out? This has been known for about 25 years. You do know that there are other forums than the OT, right?


Ah...Now I feel better lol....

First of all, I mainly come here every once in a while because my husband (d_jedi1) is on here, I don't make models or build props. However, if you had done your research before showing your stupidity, you would have seen that I have posted a couple of topics on the other sections of this forum as well. One of them I just posted earlier today. In any case, I think I've said my piece and I will let the facts speak for themselves....

I didn't know, but if it's true that is cool. Thanks for sharing.

Well, there, at least I wasn't the only one who hadn't seen this before. You're welcome and thanks for being human and decent, unlike others!

Ah...Now I feel better lol....

calm down grumpy.. no need getting butt-hurt over words on an internet forum.
To be honest, I think I've mentioned it before and I know I mentioned it when sideshow released pics of their tanis map room environment only to realize after that I had the wrong area (DOH!)
I'm aware that you aren't on our level of geekiness but it's o.k., we'll get ya there. :love
Han shot first....No wait...Greedo shot wait...they both shot first....but Han was faster.
calm down grumpy.. no need getting butt-hurt over words on an internet forum.
To be honest, I think I've mentioned it before and I know I mentioned it when sideshow released pics of their tanis map room environment only to realize after that I had the wrong area (DOH!)
I'm aware that you aren't on our level of geekiness but it's o.k., we'll get ya there. :love

I'm sorry but when someone is being a ****** to me, it bugs me and you should stick up for me! Pft....

Ah...Now I feel better lol....

First of all, I mainly come here every once in a while because my husband (d_jedi1) is on here, I don't make models or build props. However, if you had done your research before showing your stupidity, you would have seen that I have posted a couple of topics on the other sections of this forum as well. One of them I just posted earlier today. In any case, I think I've said my piece and I will let the facts speak for themselves....

And I should care why?...

So you are posting on a Prop Forum but you don't make models or build props but you feel compelled to only post threads with links to random movie related topics? And the main reason you have come here is because your husband is a member here?...Mmmm ok.

You also are upset that I called you out on a "secret" that is known by 99.9% of all movie nerds?

Again, try checking out some of the other forums. You may learn something about movies rather than posting random topics on the Off Topic/ Entertainment forums.

Just....just, try it. You may like it.:confused
Actually, I thought the bots were on a different section. Were there multiples?
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