Indiana Jones Illustration


New Member
Hey everyone! A good friend of mine recommended this site to me and I just love it! :love I have spent pretty much my whole day browsing the forums... you guys are all amazing! I am blown away by the talent in here.

My names Annie and I am an illustrator. I have recently been trying my hand at sculpting (keep your eyes peeled for my yoda Im working on. I plan on posting it in the next few days.) So as my way of introducing myself I would like to show you all my latest piece....




Its kindof a 'mixed media' kinda thing.... pencil drawing, oil paint and acrylic. Thanks again for looking!

xo Annie
WOW! Very nice!

Another great entrance to the RPF!

Welcome and as the ol' RPF saying goes, leave you wallet at the door!!
Thats...AWSOME!!!!!...I suck at I hope you take commission work ....I would be interested . PM sent .